Party: Queensland Meatworks Companies Committee


Records, 1909-1970. The Committee was formed in 1910 by meat export companies as a forum for the discussion of matters of mutual concern. By 1967 when its organization was reviewed, the Committee was largely functioning for the determination of common policy on industrial matters. Major companies represented on the Committee were Thos. Borthwick and Sons Ltd, Central Queensland Meat Export Co. Swift Australia Ltd, Queensland Meat Export Co., and the Queensland Meat Industry Board. At various times other companies such as Vesteys Ltd, Wm Angliss and Co., Birt and Co., and Bergl Ltd were also represented.

Minutes of committee meetings and notes on conference between Unions and companies, 1935-1962.

Transcripts and information files of industrial awards relevant to the meat industry, 1916-1964.

Information files on sundry subjects including working conditions, production methods and statistics, wartime production and the employment of women, 1909-1964.

Printed material relating to the meat industry and the employment of labour, 1911-1970. 11.50m., inventory available. Apply to archivist for access. W.U.A.: D.8.