Cultural Artefact: Valentine Bambrick Papers


Items: Location: 123L. Valentine Bambrick was born in South Australia but spent the greater part of his life in Queensland. He was a shearer of some note in the Longreach district and was involved in local political and Union affairs. In his later years he was proprietor of the Crown Hotel, Mackay. Records are principally Union membership tickets, various certificates, some letters and receipts. A collection of photographs is also housed in the Delamothe photograph collection. The main archival holdings are listed below.

Shearer's ticket, Australian Workers Union, for Broken Hill, 1897-1899, four items.

Shearer's ticket, Amalgamated Workers' Union of Queensland, Longreach Branch, 1900-1906. seven items.

Shearer's ticket, Australian Workers' Union, Longreach Branch, 1906-1911, seven items.

Membership ticket, Australian Workers' Union, Queensland Branch, 1915-1919, five items.

Station employees certificates of discharge, various stations, 1897-1905, three items.

Correspondence, in-letters and 1 telegram, 1920-1927, seven items.

Miscellaneous accounts, receipts, periodical extracts. DELAMOTHE