Family: Cameron Family Records


Items: three reels microfilm. Location: Microfilm of records of a western Queensland pioneering pastoral family. John Cameron settled Kensington Downs in the Aramac district in 1877 and later added Caledonia Station to his holdings; he was M.L.A. for Mitchell 1893-1896, 1901-1908, and for Barcoo 1899. Records include details of early settlement and pastoral life, political and general family matters. The collection comprises diaries, letter books, individual letters and memos, business and financial records, lease maps and an electoral speech; also family items including wills obituaries, kinship tables, typescript family histories and newspaper extracts. The main items are listed below.

Diary, Caledonia Station, 1911, 1912, 1913, three volumes, first two volumes, entries incomplete.

Letterbook, John Cameron, 29 November 1877-1 May 1896, one volume.

Letterbook, Caledonia, 1908-1912, one volume.

Letterbook, Kensington Downs, 15 October 1913-1 November 1915, one volume.

Letterbook, P.L. Cameron, Kensington Downs, 22 June 1916-20 November 1916 and at Glen Nevis, Dalveen, 12 January 1920-20 July 1935, one volume.

Memorandum of Agreement to create the firm of John Cameron, Sons and McLean, 1911.

Corpus account of the John Cameron Estate, 16 January 1917.

Income account of the John Cameron Estate, 10 January 1917.

Store account book, Kensington Downs, 1903, one volume.

Typescript: Glen Nevis Camerons, compiled by Margaret Helen Isabella Cameron, wife of Percival Lodge Cameron, roneoed.

History of the Camerons, based on letters written by Elizabeth Cameron and others.

Extract of entries in Who's Who, for John Cameron, M.L.A., and Sir Donald Charles Cameron, photocopies. DELAMOTHE.