Cultural Artefact: H.R. Gardner, M.L.A., Rockhampton Papers


Items: three boxes. Shelf Location: 68L & R. Harold Raymond Gardner was elected to the Queensland parliament for the seat of Rockhampton in 1956; following his criticism of the Q.C.E. in December that year he was suspended by the Australian Labor Party and expelled from the party in May 1957. Gardner continued in office, from 1957-1960 as a member of the Queensland Labor Party under Vincent Gair, and served as party whip for that period. He was defeated in the election of 1960 following a redistribution when he stood for the seat of Rockhampton South. This collection, mainly comprising correspondence, reports, newspaper and periodical extracts and pamphlets is taken from his personal files, 1932-1966. Listing is by file, as arranged in the Delamothe Collection.

Proposed Berserker Range Tourist Road, HG/1-7.

Correspondence, in and out letters mainly regarding Main Roads projects and the Rockhampton Harbour Board, November 1932-August 1933, 15 items.

Report of the Committee of Inquiry appointed to examine the financial positions of the Rockhampton and Gladstone Harbour Boards, 25 May 1963, pp.23.

Miscellaneous local newspaper extracts, November 1932-March 1936. five items.

Harbour Board Reports for July 1936, HG/8-26.

Correspondence, 14 July 1936, 23 February 1937, regarding Harbour Board matters, two items.

Annual reports and financial statements, Rockhampton Harbour Board, 1935, 1936.

Miscellaneous reports including Board Engineer's, Dredgemaster's, etc reports, 1936, nine items.

Newspaper and periodical extracts, Rockhampton Morning Bulletin, Courier Mail, Cummins & Campbell Monthly Magazine, October 1936-February 1938.

Rockhampton City Council File, HG/27-29.

Correspondence, mainly in-letters addressed to J. Larcombe M.L.A. from various government sources, January 1933-November 1941, 14 items, additional memos and notes.

Annual reports and statements, Rockhampton Harbour Board, 1940, dated 28 January 1941, pp.26.

Additional items including statements, parliamentary papers and newspaper extracts.

Transport File, HG/30-37.

Correspondence, mainly details of vehicle valuations and transport service routes conducted under licence in the Rockhampton area, with covering letters from contractors. 7 February 1947-16 March 1948, eight items, with duplications.

Minutes of special meeting of the Council of the City of Rockhampton, 28 April 1948, pp.1.

Minutes of meeting of the Council of the City of Rockhampton, 28 April 1948, pp.11.

Annual report, Rockhampton Harbour Board, 1953-54, pp.15.

Report submitted to the Passenger Transport Committee, [fortnightly report], 20 May 1948, pp.3.

Report, Capricornia Regional Electricity Board. Fitzroy River Flood 1954. 8 March 1954, pp.37, includes 14 pages of illustrations.

Miscellaneous submissions, bus time tables and hiring charges, newspaper extracts.

Port Alma File, HG/38-41.

Correspondence, reports, newspaper extracts, December 1954-July 1959, nine items.

Fitzroy River Reports: Floods: Deepwater Port, HG/42-47.

Correspondence, ca.November 1954-October 1955, including letter: Rt. Hon. Robert Menzies to Mr Gair, 19 October 1955, p.1, and several other items.

60th Annual Report, Rockhampton Harbour Board, 1955-56, pp.5.

Tenth Annual Report and Financial Statements, Capricornia Regional Electricity Board, 1955-56, pp.51.

Various reports, submissions and policy statement regarding the Fitzroy River and flood problems from engineers, political groups etc. ca.1947-1956, several items.

Pamphlet: "The Communist Party of Australia: How it functions in Queensland", dated 5 June 1957, n.a., pp.12, with duplicate.

Lecture: 'Relationship of Communist Party of Australia to Comintern', author's name removed, pp.4, with duplicate.

Miscellaneous lists, plans, newspaper extracts.

Port Alma File, HG/48-50.

Correspondence in and out letters, November 1956-October 1958, also telegram, notes and memos, ca.35 items, many duplicated.

Minutes of conference, regarding construction of first section of Port Alma road, n.d., pp.2., three copies.

Preliminary report, proposed Bajool-Port Alma road, from Cardno & Davies, Consulting Engineers, 13 May 1955, pp.5.

Report No.3, Port Alma Road meeting, 26 March 1958, pp.2.

Statement by the Premier [Mr F. Nicklin], for use in meeting representatives of the Rockhampton district on 14 October 1958, pp.6., two copies.

Miscellaneous submissions, newspapers, pamphlet.

Rockhampton and District Development Association File, HG/53-55.

Correspondence in and out letters, ca.January 1958-May 1959, 30 items.

Newspaper extracts, 1 April 1958; 10 May 1959, another n.d., three items.

Abattoir File HG/56.

Correspondence in and out letters, telegrams, notes, August 1956-April 1960, 40 items, some duplicated.

Annual report of the Queensland Meat Industry Board for year ended 30 June 1958, pp.38.

Miscellaneous items including:

List of local butchers killing at Lakes Creek, n.d., p.1.

Graph of killings at Q.C.M.E. Co. Pty Ltd., n.d., pp.3.

Details of killing facilities, n.d., pp.8.

Explanation of contract from Q.C.M.E. to Rockhampton District Abattoir Board, n.d., pp.6.

The Abattoirs Acts, 1930 to 1949, pp.65.

Deputation ... to the Hon. O. Madsen ... to press for the reconstitution of a District Abattoir Board ... from the Master Butchers, Rockhampton, pp.2.

Newspaper extracts regarding meat production and processing in Australia and abroad, local problems regarding Abattoir Board, December 1958-March 1960.

New States Items File, HG/57.

Letters to H.R. Gardner, regarding Capricornia New State Movement, 10 August, 5 November 1959, two items.

Letter, The Premier, Mr F. Nicklin, to H.R. Gardner regarding Commonwealth Aid Roads Fund for 1959-60, 22 October 1959, p.1.

Pamphlets, regarding New State Movement in central Queensland and New England, five items.

Newspaper extracts regarding New State Movement in central Queensland, from Morning Bulletin, September 1958-1959, 20 items.

Central Queensland University File, HG/58.

Correspondence regarding project to establish a University in Central Queensland, including letters to the Hon. J.C.A. Pizzey M.L.A., Minister for Education, The Registrar, University of Queensland, circular letters and questionnaires, November 1958-August 1959, 14 items.

Newspaper extracts. Morning Bulletin, September 1958-August 1959, ca.21 items.

Central Queensland Development Association Submission on the Proposed University Centre at Rockhampton, HG/59.

Correspondence, letters to Mr Pizzey, and various officials University of Queensland, from October 1959, four items.

Submission: Case for the Establishment of a University Centre at Rockhampton, Central Queensland for Full Time Instruction in Approved Faculties, dated October 1959, includes title page, index, nine floor plans, pp.22.

Fertilizer Works File, HG/60.

Correspondence, regarding the proposed establishment of a fertilizer industry in Central Queensland, includes letter from the Premier, the Hon. V.C. Gair, October 1956-November 1956, four items.

Newspaper extracts, Morning Bulletin, October 1958-June 1959, seven items.

Rockhampton Water Supply File HG/61-71.

Letter, A.G. Muller, Minister for Public Lands and Irrigation to Rockhampton Town Clerk, regarding proposed weir on Fitzroy River, 15 May 1959, pp.3.

Reports regarding Water Supply and Sewerage Committee, Finance Committee and on proposed barrage in Fitzroy River, November 1958-February 1960, six items.

Table: Water Supply Available 1963-1991, n.d., p.1.

Graph: Rockhampton Water Supply: Demand and Supply, Data for 1870-2000 A.D. p.1.

Trading Account, Proserpine Co-operative Society Ltd.

for six months ending 31 December 1959, pp.2., two copies.

30 June 1960, pp.4, two copies.

31 December 1960, pp.3, two copies.

30 June 1961, pp.4, two copies.

31 December 1961, pp.3, two copies.

30 June 1962, pp.3, two copies.

31 December 1962, pp.3, two copies.

30 June 1963, pp.3, two copies.

30 June 1964, pp.3, two copies.

The Labor Party File, HG/72-90.

Correspondence, includes circular letter Arthur A. Calwell to all Labor candidates, 10 November 1949, also memos and notes, October 1949-March 1966.

Minutes of meeting of the Executive of the Rockhampton and District Regional Research and Promotion Bureau, 22 February 1966, pp.2.

Reports: including Confidential Report to the Executive of the Rockhampton and District Regional Research Promotion Bureau, 14 March 1966, also Capricorn Regional Electricity Board Annual Reports, etc., 1966-1975, seven items.

Policy statements, election speeches and broadcasts, including items by the Hon. J.J. Dedman and the Hon. V.C. Gair, ca.1949-1959.

Pamphlets: regarding Labor policy, on regional and national issues, mostly n.d., five items.

Electoral Roll, Rockhampton North, 1967, 1970, two items.

Electoral Roll, Rockhampton South, 1967, 1970, two items.

Longreach-Rockhampton Road, HG/91.

Correspondence in and out letters, telegram regarding improvements to western road Rockhampton to Longreach, May 1956-March 1960, 18 items.

Statistics, central Queensland road expenditure for shires in Main Roads boundary, p.1.

Newspaper extracts, generally expressing strong support for the development of the western road. Morning Bulletin, February 1958-June 1959, 28 items.

Cement Industry File, HG/92.

Correspondence, in-letters, memo, July 1958-April 1960, four items, some enclosures.

Notice of Meeting, Cement Project Syndicate, 6 April 1960, pp.2.

Objections by the Council [Rockhampton City?] regarding mining lease by Hartley Investments Pty Ltd., p.1.

Miscellaneous brochures regarding the cement industry.

Queensland Development Association File, HG/93.

Letter from the Managing Director, Denham Bros, 8 July 1958, attachments: copy of letter sent to the Hon. G.W. Chalk, M.L.A. pp.2.

Constitution of the Queensland Development Association, pp.8.

Newspaper extracts, primarily regarding Queensland industrial advancement, Morning Bulletin, July 1959,4 items. DELAMOTHE.