Family: Grant Families Diaries


Items: six boxes, one reel M.F. Shelf Location: 17L, R-18L, R, 79L; M.F. Collection. Diaries of the Grant family, formerly of Tasmania, who settled in the Mt Garnet area of north Queensland in the late 1880s. The diarists are J.H. Grant, Franklin Stanhope Grant, Jessie R. Grant and James Lionel Grant. These records were compiled principally on Woodleigh and Valley of Lagoons Stations, Mandalee grazing farm and at Innot Hot Springs, but include excursions interstate and overseas. The collection of 74 volumes comprises an almost continuous record for the period 1889-1962; they contain a quantity of enclosures, including correspondence, business and statistical papers, official documents, climatic and stock records, personal and political items, newspaper extracts and photographs. Two collections of original Grant diaries exist. The Cairns Historical Society holds the first seven diaries of Franklin Stanhope Grant, 1889-1896; these have been copied and are available on microfilm at the James Cook University Library. The remaining 67 original volumes are housed in the Delamothe Archive Collection at the University.

Diary of Franklin Stanhope Grant, 1889-1896, one reel, microfilm.

1889-1892, Woodleigh and Valley of Lagoons Stations, four volumes, FSG1-FSG4, microfilm.

1894. [to 15 January 1895], Interstate, includes period on Murchison Goldfield, W.A., including newspaper extracts, cards, one volume, FSG5, microfilm.

1895. Interstate ..., including newspaper extracts, one volume, FSG6, microfilm.

1896. Woodleigh Station and Campsbourne [renamed Mandalee], one volume, FSG7, microfilm.

Diary of Franklin Stanhope Grant, Mandalee, 1897-1926.

1897. [28 January-31 December], one volume, FSG8.

1898. one volume, FSG9.

1899. includes: one memo, one volume, FSG10.

1900. includes: one letter, one volume, FSG11.

1901. [21 January 1901-5 February 1902], includes: notice, receipt, newspaper extract, one volume, FSG 12.

1902. includes: list of horses agisted on Mandalee, newspaper extracts including Wild River Times, n.d., one volume, FSG13.

1903. [includes 1-7 January 1904], including: draft petition Innot Hot Springs district residents, to P.M.G.[?], n.d., business letter and statements, one volume, FSG14.

1904. includes: business statement regarding stock agistment 6 May 1904, one volume, FSG15.

1905. includes: business statement between F.S. Grant and Irvinebank Mining Coy Ltd, 17 January 1905, one volume, FSG16.

1906. includes: notes regarding agistment of horses; two business statements, one volume, FSG17.

1907. includes: four business statements between Grant and mining and business companies; list regarding horse brands, one volume, FSG18.

1908. includes: in and out letters; list of missing livestock owned by Mr Alston, n.d., one volume, FSG19.

1909. includes: descriptions of Irvinebank Mining Coy horses at Mandalee, 1 March 1909; business letters; extract North Queensland Register 6 March 1909; etc., one volume, FSG20.

1910. includes: report card, Leslie Grant, Herberton State School 1910; papers regarding insurance policy M.L.C. Assurance Co. Ltd; two business statements; letter T.J. Atkinson to J.S. Grant, 23 June 1910; etc., one volume, FSG21.

1911. includes: inventory 'Mrs Meridith's furniture'; circular from North Queensland Newspaper Co., one volume, FSG22.

1912. one volume, FSG23.

1913. includes: two letters J.B. Purton to F.S. Grant, 1 May, 21 November 1912, includes social and political comment; verses, newspaper extracts, one volume, FSG24.

1914. includes: letter mining Warden's Office Herberton to F.S. Grant, 24 April 1913, regarding mining lease; list of mules to be castrated; etc., one volume, FSG25.

1915. includes: letter Jess Grant to Frank Grant, pp.4-5 only n.d., one volume, FSG26.

1916. includes: two business statements between Jack and Newell and F.S. Grant, 31 December 1915, 29 January 1916; memos, notes, fencing plan with calculations, one volume, FSG27.

1917. includes: correspondence, business accounts between David Jones Ltd and F.S. Grant, November 1917-January 1918; additional bank letter and business account, February-March 1918, one volume, FSG28.

1918. includes: list of mares foaled, one volume, FSG29.

1919. includes: correspondence F.S. Grant to Protector of Aboriginals Mt Garnet, 1 August 1919, S. Wilson to F.S. Grant 7 April, 27 May 1919; accounts etc, one volume, FSG30.

1920. includes: letters, Wallace Grant to F.S. Grant, 23 July 1920, [Leslie Grant?] to Mandalee people, 25 July 1920, one volume, FSG31.

1921. includes: letters Les to F.S. Grant 18 February 1921, Jose Price to F.S. Grant, 19 August 1921; miscellaneous receipts, newspaper extracts etc., one volume, FSG32.

1922; includes: numerous letters, including E.C. Wright & Co to F.S. Grant 20 January 1922, Ledlie and Stillmen to Mrs J.S. Grant, 30 September 1922, F.S. Grant to Land Commissioner 8 June 1922, etc, plus telegram, newspaper extracts, invoices and receipts, one volume, FSG33.

1923. one volume, FSG34.

1924. includes: letter D. Collins to F. Grant, 22 and 24 May [1924?]; statement of account from F. Winkleman 27 November 1924; newspaper extracts, etc., one volume, FSG35.

1925. includes: numerous letters, including copy of letter F.S. Grant to Chairman and Councillors Shire of Herberton 29 December 1925; miscellaneous notes, lists of brands and costs, one volume, FSG36.

1926. Note: Franklin Stanhope Grant's death occurred 20 December 1926, the diary is maintained by Jessie R. Grant from 8 November 1926. Includes: memo Les to F.S. Grant 1926; notes N.W. to F.S. Grant, 21 June 1926; list of articles in Grant family box, held by Ritchie and Parker, etc, one volume, FSG37.

Diary of J.H. Grant, Woodleigh Station, 1894-1899.

1894. one volume, JHG1.

1895. one volume, JHG2.

1896. [includes period 1-31 January 1897], includes: note and receipt, one volume, JHG3.

1897. one volume, JHG4.

1898. [no January entries], one volume, JHG5.

1899. no entries 3 July-23 August, from 24 August pages missing; includes: letter H.G. Grant to Mr Grant, 28 September 1928, one volume, JHG6.

Diary of Jessie Rosina Grant, 1927-1931.

1927, Mandalee, includes: letters, J.R. Grant to Mrs Lucy, n.d., J.R. Grant to Mrs Hamilton 15 September 1927, J. Grant-Thomson to F.S. Grant 20 March 1923; statements of accounts between Mrs Grant and Mr & Mrs Lucy, October, November 1927, periodical extract, photograph, etc., one volume, JRG1.

1929-30, [12 October 1929-28 June 1930], overseas, includes: miscellaneous papers, extracts, programmes etc, regarding visit to Britain, one volume, JRG2.

1930-31, [14 October 1930-23 February 1931] overseas, one volume, JRG3.

Diary of D. James Grant, Mandalee, 1928-1962.

1928-1929, irregular entries for 1928, record of events 1 November 1929-2 January 1930, included at back, one volume, JLG1.

1931. one volume, JLG2.

1932. includes: advertisement, one volume, JLG3.

1933. includes: letter Deputy Commissioner, Department Irrigation and Water Supply to J.L. Grant, 6 April 1934; rainfall record, Mandalee, 1932, 1933; circular from Burns Philp & Co., Cairns, n.d., one volume, JLG4.

1934. one volume JLG5.

1935. one volume, JLG6.

1937. one volume, JLG7.

1938. includes: rainfall record, Mandalee, 1938, one volume, JLG8.

1939. one volume, JLG9.

1940. one volume, JLG10.

1941. includes: letter to Manager, Bank of N.S.W., 6 April 1943, one volume, JLG11.

1942. includes January 1943, one volume, JLG12.

1943-44, one volume, JLG13.

1945-46, one volume, JLG14.

1947. includes 1-16 January 1948, one volume, JLG15.

1948. one volume, JLG.16.

1949-50, includes February 1950, one volume, JLG17.

1951. one volume, JLG18.

1952. one volume, JLG19.

1953. to 8 January 1954, one volume, JLG20.

1954. one volume, JLG21.

1955. to 5 January 1956, one volume, JLG22.

1956. one volume, JLG23.

1957. one volume, JLG24.

1958. one volume, JLG25.

1959. to January 1960, one volume, JLG26.

1960. one volume, JLG27.

1962, one volume, JLG28. DELAMOTHE.