Biographical entry: Jim Keefe, Senator


Items: six boxes. Shelf Location: 20L-21R. Not catalogued. BOXES 1-4. Collection of documented material from the Joint Standing Committee on the Northern Territory. (Not listed in detail below.)

BOXES 5-6.

Documented material from the Senate Standing Committee on Environmental Conditions of Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders. Holdings are as follows:

BOX 5.

Reports and evidence from Senate Select Committee on Off-shore Petroleum Resources, 1967. Special emphasis on the Great Barrier Reef, including evidence from academics, conservationists, scientists, an extensive holding.

Report from the Joint Committee of the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly upon Aboriginal Welfare, 1967, Parliament of New South Wales.

Report of the Committee to Review the situation of Aborigines on pastoral properties in the Northern Territory, December 1971, stats., typescript copy, bound, pp.112.

Reports, various, from interstate, e.g. Western Australia and Victoria, on Aboriginal Health, Annual Report of Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs, 1970-71. Extracts from and copies of Acts of Parliament regarding Aboriginal and Islander Affairs, both State and Commonwealth.

Newspaper extracts relating to Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, 1974-75.

Collection of Australia wide literature used by Senate Standing Committee, on current Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander situation, covering such aspects as art and culture, artifacts, employment, health, land rights and welfare.

BOX 6.

Collection entitled: 'Historical File Townsville' constituting five files, which contain correspondence, newspaper extracts, cartoons, poetry. Labor Party publications, copies of Acts of Parliament, papers regarding the Senator's representational responsibilities, appeals and submissions from groups and individuals:

1. Correspondence, in and out, between Senator Keeffe and various New Guinea sources, mainly relating to unions and political organization in that country, and to the Senator's visit to New Guinea August-September 1964. Letters span period ca.August 1964-August 1966, one bundle.

2. Report: 'General report on visit to Papua/New Guinea 31 August 1964 to 10 September 1964. (J. Keeffe, Queensland Secretary A.L.P. and Federal President)'. Roneoed, typescript, pp.4. Report: As above, marked, Confidential, roneoed, typescript, pp.13.

3. Press release, outlining Senator Keeffe's tour to New Guinea, released ca.late August 1964, roneoed, typescript, p.1. Address list of New Guinea contacts, one folder.

4. Miscellaneous papers, entitled: 'Parliamentary Pension' with associated correspondence and literature, one folder.

5. Miscellaneous papers, entitled: 'Bjeike Petersen', notes and papers regarding the Queensland Premier, one folder, five files in one bundle.

Minutes of meetings. Senate Select Committee on Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, 23 March 1976, with associated papers and correspondence, one folder.

Minutes of meetings of Senate Select Committee on Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, 28 May 1976, loose papers.

Minutes of meetings. Senate Select Committee on Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, 24 June 1976, with associated correspondence and reports, one folder.

Minutes of meetings, Senate Select Committee on Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, 30 June 1976, with attachments: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K. (Attachment A: copy of Liberal and National Country Parties' Aboriginal Affairs Policy, November 1975), one folder.

Minutes of meetings, Senate Select Committee on Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, 20, 21 July 1976, with associated correspondence, papers and report, one folder.

Minutes of Meeting Senate Select Committee on Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, 30 April, 7 May, 18 May, 21 May, 29 July, 30 July 1976, loose papers.

Agenda (suggested) for meeting of Senate Select Committee, 30 March 1976.

Submission transcript: 'Room to Move', second copy [see below].

Report by Coopers and Lybrand Services of Sydney, commissioned by Aputula Construction Co., Pty Ltd, Finke, N.T. 5750, presented 30 April 1976. Report entitled: Financial and Operating Performance. Covers operations of the Aputula Construction Company, an Aboriginal enterprise based in Finke, Northern Territory, with associated correspondence, stats., roneoed, typescript, pp.43, plus appendixes.

Report by Michael Heppell PhD Canberra, Director of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Housing Panel, on the activities of Aputula Construction Co. Pty Ltd, forwarded to Senate Select Committee, 13 October 1976, with covering letter, roneoed, typescript, pp.26, plus appendix, one folder.

Preliminary report on the Investigation of Aboriginal use of Technical and Further Education Resources, presented by Aboriginal Consultative Group, March 1976, including newspaper and monograph extracts, stats., tabs., foolscap, roneoed, typescript, pp.39, one folder.

Evidence and findings regarding Senate Select Committee on Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, including large section: "Rewritten and new passages in final draft" of findings, prepared for the consideration of the Committee 29, 30 July 1976. Also includes correspondence and papers from the National Aboriginal Consultative Committee, Victoria, April, May 1976, one folder.

Evidence and reports, regarding Senate Select Committee Investigations, additional material, several folders.

Submission transcript by Peter Myers, 'Room to Move', presented 16 May 1975, to Standing Committee on Social Environment, diagrams, illustrated, typescript, pp.1-26, 27-73, two bundles.

Press cuttings, collection entitled: 'Senator J.B. Keeffe, Press Cuttings'. Covers Australia wide matters regarding Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, December 1970-August 1972. Includes press statements by politicians and some extracts from monographs and serials, one folder.

Press statements and related items "By the Prime Minister and Other Ministers", regarding Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, December 1971-February 1972. Includes booklet containing a statement by the Prime Minister the Right Hon. William McMahon, C.H. M.P., entitled Australian Aborigines Commonwealth Policy and Achievements, Canberra, 26 January 1972, pp.15, one folder.

Miscellaneous papers entitled: Senator J.B. Keeffe, Senate Standing Committee on Social Environment, References, Procedure etc., dated 4 December 1973, one folder.

Miscellaneous papers, mainly relating to Aboriginal housing and welfare. Australia wide data, one folder.

Hansard, Commonwealth of Australia Senate. Standing Committee on Social Environment (Reference: Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders), Canberra, 16, 23 May 1975; 18, 19 July 1975. DELAMOTHE.