Corporate entry: Scottish Australian Company Limited, Station Records


Items: 20 boxes, 113 volumes. Shelf Location: 108-118. Records of station properties held by the Scottish Australian Company: Albion Downs, Kynuna, Lucknow and Mt Emu Plains. Material primarily twentieth century to 1962, but earliest items date from 1883. Listing is by station.

Albion Downs

Stock returns, 30 June 1947-30 June 1948, Box SAAD 3.

Journal, September 1942-June 1950, Box SAAD 1.

Accounts Book, July 1942-June 1950, Box SAAD 2.

Kynuna Station

Manager's diaries, 1936-1961, two volumes for 1952 with slightly different entries, Manager Mr D. Selkirk. Box SAK.l/l-SAK.1/27.

Manager's personal diaries, 1943, 1944, 1946-1951, 1953, 1958, 1960, SAK.4/1-SAK.4/11.

Overseer's diaries, 1936, 1938, 1943, 1944, Overseer, Mr N.C. Horsfall, SAK.2/1-SAK.2/4.

Bookkeeper's diaries, 1939-1943, bookkeeper, Mr T.H. Mann, SAK.3/1-SAK.3/4.

Correspondence, July 1953-December 1959, SAK.5.

Horse register, 1883-1907, SAK.6.

Horse register, 1907-1913, SAK.7.

Shearing record and wool analysis, 1914, 1915, SAK.8.

Wool book, August 1916-June 1929, SAK.9.

Wool book, December 1929-July 1942, SAK.10.

Stock returns, September 1937-March 1945, SAK.11.

Stock returns, March 1946-June 1955, SAK.12.

Stock register by paddocks, 1939-1940, SAK.13.

Stores: invoicing and costing ledgers, December 1929-8 January 1942, September 1945- May 1962, SAK.15/1-SAK.15/16.

Stores, outgoing. Staff 1947-1962, SAK.16/1-SAK.16/13.

Stores: outgoing station maintenance 1948-1961, SAK.17/1-SAK.17/9.

Stores: day book, January 1942-September 1945, SAK.18.

Stores: accounts maintenance, SAK.19/1-SAK.19/2.

Stores: journals 1916-1956, SAK.21/1-SAK.21/6.

Stores: ledgers, 1913-1919, 1946-1954, including:

a. Index for 1916-1919,

b. Albion Downs January-September in SAK.22/8, SAK.22/1-SAK.22/12.

Stores: stock ledger sheets, loose, 1954-1956, SAK.23.

Journals, 1913-1948, SAK.24/1-SAK.24/8.

Debit books, 1949-1962, (entries continued from journals), SAK.25/1-SAK.25/6.

Ledgers, 1913-1926, SAK.26/1-SAK.26/3.

Cash books, 1913-1959, SAK.27/1-SAK.27/7.

Account book, 1922, SAK.28.

Account book, 1948-1952, SAK.29.

Employee's statements, 1949-1962, SAK.30/1-SAK.30/14.

Ledgers, labour and wages, 1915-1946, September 1952-February 1954,

January-October 1958, SAK.31/1-SAK.31/6.

Lucknow Station

Diaries, 1909, 1911 two volumes, 1943, 1947-1953, 1956, 1960, SAL.1-SAL.12.

Letterbook, 1930-1938, SAL.13.

Correspondence, 1937-1958, includes sundry accounts, SAL.14.

Reports, fortnightly to Queensland National Pastoral Company Ltd.,

12 May 1949-24 December 1957, incomplete, SAL.33.

Register of draught and saddle horses, 1907-1932, incomplete, SAL.15.

Specifications of Lucknow Station wool shipped, 1932-1947, generally undated, SAL.17.

Specifications of scouring of wool, Western Queensland Meat Co., Pty Ltd, 14 September 1932-31 July 1933, SAL.18.

Specifications of scoured wool, despatched by the Alba Wool Scouring Co. Ltd, to Thomas Brown and Sons, Rockhampton, 1931-1939, SAL.19.

Accounts regarding sales by Moreheads Ltd, Brisbane 10 March 1931-27 November 1934, SAL.20.

Accounts regarding sales by Australian Estates Co. Ltd., 1 February 1943-23 November 1943, SAL.21.

Shearing analysis, 1931-1946, SAL.22.

Lucknow averages, 1935, 1938, 1941, SAL.23.

Lambing table, SAL.24.

Ewes summary, 1946, SAL.25.

Wethers summary, 1946, SAL.26.

Agricultural and pastoral statistics, 1937-1939, SAL.29.

Prices of wool shipped 1941, 1943, one envelope, SAL.30.

Register of rainfall, 1924-1933, SAL.31.

Financial statements, Queensland National Bank, 1935-1948, incomplete, SAL.32.

Invoice books, December 1913-April 1966, incomplete, SAL.34/1-SAL.34/7.

Employees registers, 1925-1960, SAL.35/1-SAL.35/2.

Employee's statement book, SAL.36.

Ledger, petty cash and accounts, December 1914-June 1918, SAL.37.

Ledger, petty cash and accounts, November 1920-June 1957, handwritten copies of fencing contracts in back, SAL.38.

Ledger, accounts and wages, 1920-1924, SAL.39.

Ledger, accounts and wages, 1928-1939, SAL.40.

Wages book, August 1948-January 1959, SAL.41.

Contract, droving agreement, 10 December 1954, SAL.27.

Crutcher's agreement, 15 November 1954, SAL.28.

Map, stock routes, incomplete, SAL.16.

Mt Emu Plains

Manager's diaries, 1955, 1960, 1961, 1962, SAMEP.1-4.

Bookkeeper's diaries, 1956-1961, SAMEP.5-10.

Correspondence, folder marked 'Personal Letters', includes confidential company mail, list of station properties, miscellaneous circulars, SAMEP.31.

Correspondence, contracts and reports on bore sinking and maintenance, SAMEP.35.

Correspondence, Head Office, in-letters, 1955-1961, and invoices, 1957-1958, SAMEP.36.

Correspondence, Head Office, in-letters, 1959-1963, one folder, SAMEP.37.

Correspondence, Head Office, out-letters, 1959-1961, SAMEP.38.

General correspondence, in-letters, 1955-1958, one folder, SAMEP.39/1.

General correspondence, in-letters, 1959-1961, SAMEP.39/2.

General correspondence, in-letters, 1962-1963, SAMEP.39/3.

General correspondence, out-letters, 1955-1958, SAMEP.40/1.

General correspondence, out-letters, 1959-1961, SAMEP.40/2.

Miscellaneous correspondence, 1951-1962, SAMEP.41.

Telegram book, SAMEP.26.

Annual company report and accounts, 1955, 1957, 1958,copies of speeches by Mr J. Norman Eggar, 1955, 1957, 1958, one envelope, SAMEP.24.

Manager's copies of monthly reports, 1956-1959, including list of station properties, inspector's annual report, June 1958, SAMEP.27.

Monthly reports, October 1956-September 1961, SAMEP.28.

Station reports, 1936-1941, very frail, SAMEP.34.

Stock book, 1945-1953, SAMEP.11.

Store book, 1960-1962, SAMEP.12.

Employees statements, 1955-1962, SAMEP.13/1-13/20.

Cash book, July 1955-June 1958, SAMEP.14.

Cash book, July 1958-February 1963, SAMEP.15.

Account book, January 1953-June 1954, SAMEP.16.

Account book, July 1955-June 1960, SAMEP.17.

Ledger, sundry contractors, July 1958-January 1960, SAMEP.18.

Ledger, general contractors, July 1955-June 1958, SAMEP.19.

Wages book, July 1957-May 1960, SAMEP.20.

Invoices, 1960-1961, includes stores, wages and sundry contractors accounts, SAMEP.21.

Invoice book, September 1961-October 1963, SAMEP.22.

Returns, monthly and quarterly, July 1955-May 1961, SAMEP.23.

Wages returns, June 1960-June 1962, SAMEP.25

Employees time sheets, miscellaneous grocery orders, 1962, one folder, SAMEP.29.

Drovers agreements, miscellaneous contracts, 1956-1957, one folder, SAMEP.30.

Wages book, 1955-1960, SAMEP.32.

Bank statements, 1959-1961, SAMEP.33.

Miscellaneous accounts, 1962, one box, SAMEP.42.

Statistical returns, annual profit and loss account, general station and business documents, index included, one box, SAMEP.43.

Additional acquisition:

Kynuna Station

General accounts, 1926-1935, one volume.

Quarterly stock returns, December 1928-June 1946, one volume.

Miscellaneous accounts, stock and wool, plant valuations, submissions to Wool Advisory Commission, one package.

Lucknow Station

Wages book, October 1917-October 1920.

Telegrams sent July 1925-January 1929, one volume.

Register of costs, bores and bore equipment, 1 January 1924-ca.1958, one volume.

Sheep returns book, includes sheep earmarks, 31 August 1920-31 March 1962, one volume.

Cattle returns, December 1920-September 1940, one volume.

Record of stores, purchase orders, inventory etc., 1924-1952, incontinuous, one volume. DELAMOTHE.