Biographical entry: Bowly, C.W.


Correspondence, 1874-1878 Extracts from the letters of C.W. Bowly written from Australia, 7 November 1874-28 November 1878, quarto, hard bound pp.207, with covering letter from Mr Ted Bowly, Sussex, England, to Mr F.W. Bowly, Sherwood, Queensland, with comments on the origin of the letters. The collection covers the author's voyage from England to Melbourne on S.S. Northumberland, his impressions of Victoria, voyage to Sydney, and then on to Townsville on the Wonga, disembarking 19 December 1873. The remainder of the letters cover frontier pastoral experience, first with Robert Christison of Lammermoor Station, and later on Bowen Downs and Mount Cornish Stations. Includes accounts of cattle droving trips to the Palmer Goldfield 1875 and 1876, impressions of mining settlements and lifestyle. Bowly acquired his own pastoral property Eastmere in 1877, and final letters describe the task of founding his new station, to which he brought his bride, Alice. An additional item entitled:

'Experiences Jackeroo', gives an account of the writer's early experiences in the bush, pp.11, bound with the above letters in one volume. NQ.919.40431 BOW

A second copy held on open shelves. (See also letter C.W. Bowly to Mrs M.M. Bennett, written ca.1920s, after he retired from Eastmere, Delamothe. MF.FU61.)