Cultural Artefact: Delamothe Collection E.R. (Bob) Hayles Photographs


Vol. I 'Queensland North to South', contains scenic views of Queensland, Brisbane city views. E.R. Hayles obituary, copied from Townsville Daily Bulletin, 9 October 1978, inserted. Photographs 20th century. 68 prints, 1 album.

Vol. II 'Townsville', Townsville views from 1860s, shipping, parades, Magnetic Island, Aborigines at Palm Island, with artifacts, newspaper extracts inserted. 28 prints, 1 album.

Vol. III 'North Queensland Land Seekers 1921'. Photographic coverage of north Queensland tour by E.R. Hayles and party in 1920? 1921. Includes views of Magnetic Island, Barrier Reef, Innisfail, the Cutton family and scenes at Clump Point, Green Island, Yarrabah Mission, Kuranda, Bloomfield River, Woody, Chillcott and Willis Islands, scenes on board M.V. Mandalay. Some family photographs. 1 album.

Vol. IV 'Palm and Magnetic Island. Tourist Days 1924'. Aborigines, island scenes, Hayles launches, some photographs colour tinted. 1 album.

Vol. V 'Magnetic Island. Hayles Launches'. Various scenes: Arcadia dining lounge 1911, tea house 1936, beaches, launches, island visitors, Aborigines. 1 album.

Vol. VI 'Magnetic Island', various island scenes, n.d. 1 album.

Vol. VII 'Islands, Shipping, Aborigines and Others'. Includes scenes of Darwin, Cooktown, Cairns, Magnetic Island, shipping, coastal views, passenger launches, Atherton Tableland, Aborigines, photographs of various international ships. 1 group photograph: Pacific Island Labourers returning to Solomon Islands 1895, on barque William Hanson. Chiefly from ca.1910. 1 album.

Vol. VIII 'A postcard collection of all tourist vessels Perth to Cairns in the Good Days'. Photographs of ships opened by Hayles, Adelaide Steamship Co., Howard Smith Ltd., and McIlwraith McEacharn Ltd., operating on the Australian coastal tourist run from ca.1930s. 1 album.

Vol. IX 'A postcard collection of all tourist vessels Perth to Cairns in the Good Days'. Photographs as above, also the Port Wyndham beached at Townsville, September 1937, and a beche de mer lugger photographed off Townsville. 1 album.

Vol. X 'Early photographs of Townsville and Magnetic Island'. Scenes from 1860s. 1 album.

Vol. XI 'Hayles Launches and North Queensland Islands'. Includes Dunk Island, Cooktown and elsewhere, also newspaper extracts. 1 album.

Vol. XII 'Miscellaneous North Queensland Photographs and Postcards'. Varied collection, including Northern Territory scenes, crocodile hunting, Lake Eacham, Yungaburra Bank of New South Wales 1919, Dunk Island, Palm Island Aborigines, launches, ports., and group photographs. 1 album.

Vol. XIII 'Miscellaneous Photographs'. Chiefly Magnetic Island scenes and passenger launches. 1 album.

Vol. XIV no title. Miscellaneous collection, includes scenes of Magnetic Island, Hayles launches, seagoing vessels. Aborigines, group at Townsville ball 1920. Some letters and a newspaper extract inserted. 1 album.

The Hayles Collection constitutes 14 albums, negatives will be acquired by the Delamothe Collection.