Cultural Artefact: Delamothe Photographs Henry Stone Collection


Henry Stone (1835-1919) was a surveyor and former officer in the Indian army; in Queensland he became an associate of G.E. Dalrymple and was manager of the Valley of Lagoons and the Vale of the Herbert for Dalrymple and partners. Stone became part owner of Wairuna Station 1879-1882, afterwhich he settled at The Grange in the Herbert River district. In 1904 he moved to the Evelyn Tableland, where he founded his home Montecute. The collection is of particular historical value, covering many aspects of the life of Henry Stone in north Queensland, particularly in the emerging farming, pastoral and sugar industries, and also the social life of the Herbert River and Evelyn Tableland areas. Many of the Herbert River scenes were taken by the professional photographer Thomas Mathewson, who undertook an assignment in the district in 1874, at the request of local settlers. 105 prints, 2 albums, negatives held.