Party: Australian Archives BP14


Postmaster General's Department. Branch: Postal Services, Section; General Records, 1897-1939.

Series 1. Guarantees of payments required by Queensland Government Railways and Barcoo and Boulia Shire Councils for attendance at certain telegraph offices 1921-1939, (2 inches).

Series 2. Agreements for conveyance mails - Gulf Postal Services, 1907-1923. (2 inches).

Series 3. Agreements between Postmaster General's Department and Societe Francaise des Telegraphes Sous Marine, Paris, relating to New Caledonia Cable, 21st March 1892. (2 inches).

Series 4. Agreement, Parcels Post Convention, Batavia, between Postmaster General's Department Queensland, and the Government of the Netherlands East Indies, 8th September 1897. (2 inches).

Series 5. Agreement between Postmaster General's Department, Queensland, and New England Airways, Sydney to Brisbane air services, 5th January 1932. (2 inches).

Series 6. Certificate of Incorporation, Toowoomba Electric Light Company, 13th July 1897. (2 inches).

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