Party: Australian Archives BP32


Shipping and Transport. Branch; Marine, Section: Mercantile Marine (Townsville).

Series 1. Forms M & S 3. Original agreements and account of Crew Forms of ships terminating their voyages at the port of Townsville, 1901-1948, (5 feet).

Series 2. Forms M & S 16. Official log books of ships terminating their voyages at the port of Townsville, 1901-1948, (6 feet).

Series 3. Registers of crew engagements, Townsville, 1887-1940, (1 foot).

Series 4. Registers of discharge of crews, Townsville, 1887-1940, (2 feet).

Series 5. Certificate of discharge of crews, Townsville, nos. 1- 407880, 1910-1949, some gaps, (5 feet).

Series 6. Release on termination of service, registers, 1922-1949, (2 feet).

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