Party: Australian Archives BP35


Postmaster General's Department. Branch: Postal Services, Series: Posting Boxes.

Series 1. Records pertaining to the establishment and continuance of various posting boxes in Queensland, ca.1906-ca.1950, 6 feet, bundles 585-594.

Series 2. Records pertaining to the establishment and continuance of Free Bags Services in various parts of Queensland. 1903-1949, 3 feet.

Series 3. Registers showing history and salaries of government officers, 1860-1901, (2 vols: bundles 599 and 600).

Bundle 599 shows: name, date of birth, date of first appointment, position, office, date, salary, allowance and fees, and remarks.

Bundle 600 shows: name, date of birth, date of first appointment, offices held at various times, from, to, salaries, classification and remarks.

Series 4. Head Office Circulars, 1909-1924, chronological order, (13 feet, 16 vols.).

Series 5. Journals and printed papers of the Federation Council of Australia, vol. I, 1886, vol. II, 1888, vol. IV, 1891. (1 foot, 3 vols.).

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