Party: Australian Archives BP229
Postmaster General's Department. Branch: Personnel, Section: General Records.
Series 1. Annual reports of the Post and Telegraph Department, Queensland, 1862-1899. (2 vols.).
Series 2. Queensland Postal and Telegraph conference reports, 1867-1900. (2 vols.).
Series 3. Queensland circulars 1909-1927. (19 vols.).
Series 4. Index to general notices 1902-1924. (1 vol.).
Series 5. General notices, 1902-1924. (4 vols.).
Series 6. Monthly circulars, 1925-1960. (4 folders).
Series 7. Head Office Circulars, 1907-1937. (23 vols. & 7 folders).
Series 8. Index to H.Q. circulars, 1902-1937. (1 vol.).