Party: Carpentaria Shire Council


Monthly finance statements for Finance Committee consideration, Sep. 1919-Sep. 1930. 14 CAR/3-4 OPEN A,B,C.

Register of demands made by the Council for payment of fees owing, especially harbour dues, lighterage and wharfage, Apr. 1920-Dec. 1932. 14 CAR/5. OPEN A,B,C.

Pay book, Mar. 1923-Nov. 1938. 14 CAR/6. OPEN A,B,C.

Register of freight unloaded from the subsidized cargo vessels the Douglas Mauson and the Kallatina, and related correspondence, Apr. 1920-ca.1924. 14 CAR/7-9. OPEN A,B,C.

Reports of the Health Officer, Works Foreman and other officers, June 1922-May 1933, May 1934-Sep. 1936. 14 CAR/10-12. OPEN A,B,C.

Minutes of Council meetings, Aug. 1903-May 1916. 14 CAR/D4. OPEN A,B,C.

Minutes of Shire Committee meetings, May 1910-Sep. 1914. 14 CAR/D6. OPEN A,B,C.

Draft minutes, Council meetings, Apr. 1915-May 1915. 14 CAR/D7. OPEN A,B,C.

Letterbooks, May 1903-Dec. 1911, Apr.-May, Aug.-Sep. 1910, Apr. 1911, Dec. 1911-Mar. 1914, Dec. 1911-Apr. 1914. 14 CAR/G6-9. OPEN A,B,C.

In-letters, Dec. 1919-Dec. 1921, Mar. 1922-Aug. 1924, Jan.1929-Aug. 1930. 14 CAR/J1-16. OPEN A,B,C.

Rate books, 1908-1913. 14 CAR/N3-4. OPEN A,B,C.

Valuation registers, 1909-1911, 1913. 14 CAR/O5-6. OPEN A,B,C.