Party: Clerk of Petty Sessions, Bowen


Registers of firms, March 1903-April 1935. CPS11B/1-3. OPEN A,B,C.

Alphabetical register of miscellaneous applications, August 1891-January 1947. CPS11B/4. OPEN A,B,C.

Alphabetical register of tobacco licenses, 1948-1958. CPS11B/5. 30 A,B,C.

Register of applications for various licenses, January 1910-June 1912, October 1930-January 1946. CPS11B/6-7. OPEN A,B,C.

Alphabetical register of applications under the Liquor Act, April 1913-July 1923. CPS11B/8.OPENA,B,C.

Register of Licenses under the Liquor Act, March 1916-April 1926, April 1929-December 1939. CPS11B/9-14. OPEN A,B,C.

Debt attachment books, July 1895-January 1939. CPS11B/15-17. OPEN A,B,C.

Bailiff's summons book, April 1936-December 1947. CPS11B/18. OPEN A,B,C.

Small Debts Court minute book, March 1885-September 1922. CPS11B/19-21. OPEN A,B,C.

Register of the issue of writs of FIFA, June 1885-January 1926. CPS11B/22. OPEN A,B,C.

Register of the issue of summonses, February 1885-February 1917. CPS11B/23. OPEN A,B,C.

Register of proceedings under the Fair Rents Act, 1920, June 1921-October 1954. CPS11B/24. 30 A,B,C.

Register of receipt and issue of foreign writs, August 1916-November 1945. CPS11/B/25 OPEN A,B,C.

Deposition and minute book, November 1879-June 1905. CPS11B/D1-9(A). OPEN A,B,C.

Small Debts Court cash book, June 1897-January 1910. CPS11B/M1. OPEN A,B,C.

Cash books, August 1916-June 1955. CPS11B/M2-31. 30 A,B,C.

Bench record and summons books, October 1909-August 1956. CPS11B/N1-10. 30 A,B,C.

Registers of the sale of timber, July 1905-July 1916, August 1920-February 1933, March 1934-ca.1949. CPS 11/B01-7. 30 A,B,C.

Register of timber licenses, 1911-1915. CPS 11B/08. OPEN A,B,C.