Party: Croydon Hospital


Register of hospital admissions, showing place of birth, ship of arrival, parents' names, fathers' occupation etc., March 1888-January 1951. HOS14A/1-31. 65 A,B,C.

Plan of proposed new wing of Croydon District Hospital, 24 October 1891. HOS14A/32. OPEN A,B,C.

Prescription books, 1911-1928.

Surgery and dispensary book 1949-1956, 30 A,B,C.

Record of whisky consumption, n.d., 30 A,B,C.

Inventory, 1917-1918.

Day book showing medicines and dressings, 1929-1931.

Register of medicine, tablets etc., 1946-1947.

Ward books, 1910-1935.

Visiting doctor's book, 1910-1935. HOS14A/33-44. ALL OPEN A,B,C, EXCEPT ENTRY 2 AND 3.

Register of in-patients 1914-1917.

Nurse's report books, 1934-1954.

Doctor's in-patients book, 1937-1938. HOS14A/45-52. 65 A,B,C.

Records relating to out-patients, 1893-1954. HOS14A/53-58. RECENT RECORDS 65 A,B,C.

Register of certificates of death, 1938-1939. HOS14A/59. CLOSED A,B,C.

Monthly reports, register of outstanding fees, cash books, ledgers, minute books, miscellaneous papers, 1925-1955. HOS14A/60-63, D1-3, L1. RECENT RECORDS 30 A,B,C.