Party: Land Agent, Cooktown


Register of applications for 10 year leases and for grazing farms, April 1874-February 1917. LAG13/1-2. OPEN A,B,C.

Register of timber sales, agreements regarding royalty on timber and timber contracts, 1893-1932.

LAG13/3-6, 9-10. OPEN A,B,C.

Register of stock returns, 1908-1912. LAG13/8. OPEN A,B,C.

Records relating to land sales 1883-1923, pastoral holdings files 1892-1918, mining survey plans 1900-1910, files on occupational licenses 1888-1923, dead farm files 1886-1935, files regarding land open for selection 1920-1935, and informal and special leases 1888-1941. LAG13/11-18. OPEN A,B,C.

Circulars received 1889-1911. LAG13/A1. OPEN A,B,C.

Minute books. Land Commissioner's Court, May 1885-August 1925. LAG13/D1-2. OPEN A,B,C.