Party: Land Agent, Georgetown


Registers of business and residence licenses, October 1881-January 1912. LAG14B/1-2. OPEN A,B,C.

Report, land sales Georgetown and Einasleigh, September 1882-November 1907. LAG14B/3. OPEN A,B,C.

Registers of lands open for selection, 1898-1931. LAG14B/4-5. OPEN A,B,C.

Mines. Registers of applications for various mining leases at Etheridge, Woolgar, Green Hills and The Oaks, 1880-1930. LAG14B/6-14. OPEN A,B,C.

Land Selections. Files regarding farms and pastoral lease land open for selection, and occupational license files, 1896-1947. LAG14B/16-23.

Timber cases 1928-1946. LAG14B/29. OPEN A,B,C.

Register of land holdings, stock returns received, stock assessments, public reserves, applications for occupational licenses, 1884-1946. LAG14B/30-36. OPEN A,B,C.

Letterbooks, March 1895-December 1909. LAG14B/G1-2. OPEN A,B,C.

Cash books, 1882-1911. LAG14B/M1-3. OPEN A,B,C.