Party: Land Agent, Port Douglas


Registers of applications for 10 year leases, conditional leases, and occupation and special licenses, 1873-1907. LAG12C/1-3, 7. OPEN A,B,C.

Registers of Crown Land sold, and reports of land sales, 1877-1902. LAG12C/4-6. OPEN A,B,C.

Commissioner's notebook, October 1891-May 1906. LAG12C/8.Open A,B,C.

Land Agent's letterbook, 1894-1911. LAG12C/G1. OPEN A,B,C.

Miscellaneous correspondence, 1900-1911. LAG12C/J1. OPEN A,B,C.

Cash books, 1893-1909. LAG12C/M1-3. OPEN A,B,C.