Party: Mining Warden, Cooktown


Considerable holding, including the following:

Registers of applications for leases, 1874-1927. MWO13C/1-3. OPEN A,B,C.

Register of powers of attorney, 1897-1924. MWO13C/4. OPEN A,B,C.

Records relating to mining accidents, 1901-1921. MWO13C/5. OPEN A,B,C.

Minutes of proceedings, Warden's Court, 1896-1927, 1935-1941. MWO13C/D1-4. OPEN A,B,C.

Registers: mineral claims (various ores and districts) business and residential licenses, prospecting protection areas, prospecting licenses issued, mine crushing, returns, machine areas and water rights, furnace areas, garden and tailing areas, tail races, 1876-1934. MWO13C/P1-MWO13C/X13. OPEN A,B,C.