Party: Mining Warden, Herberton


In-letters and telegrams, 1882-1892, MWO12B/1-12. OPEN A,B,C.

Minutes of the Warden's Court, 1882-1927. MWO12B/15-27. OPEN A,B,C.

Minutes of the Liquor Licensing Court, 1912-1926. MWO12B/28. OPEN A,B,C.

Registers: mining accidents, applications for claims and leases, miner's rights, prospecting protection areas, homestead leases, water rights, exemptions, mine managers, crushings, general mining returns, population, labour, monthly returns, market garden and tailing areas, business licenses, state school attendance (1896), permits to travel stock, aliens, 1881-1947. MWO12B/13-M1. OPEN A,B,C.