Party: Nebo Shire Council


Letterbooks, May 1921-May 1940. A/13174-13181. OPEN A,B,C.

Councillors attendance book, 1933-1949, 1953-1967. A/13187-13189. 30 A,B,C.

Monthly financial statements, October 1948-June 1949. A/13190. 30 A,B,C.

Poliomyelitus vaccination roll, October 1958-April 1963. A/13191. 30 A,B,C.

Water supply fund ledger, 1930-1960. A/13192. 30 A,B,C.

Wages record, 1957-1966. A/13193-13195. 30 A,B,C.

Deposit book, 1922-1945. A/13196. OPEN A,B,C.

Valuation register and rate book, 1922-1965. B/150-160. 30 A,B,C.

Budget control book, 1946-1955. B/161. 30 A,B,C.

Valuation register, 1903-1921. A/13205-13207. OPEN A,B,C.

Rate cash book, 1903-1945. A/13210-13211. OPEN A,B,C.

Ledger, January 1900-December 1932, 1952-1956. A/13214-13218. 30 A,B,C.

Main Roads Department circulars, 1950-1958, 1964-1967. A/13219-13223. 30 A,B,C.

Budget ledger, 1939-1947. A/13224-13226. OPEN A,B,C.

Main Roads Department claims account, 1961-1966. A/13227-13230. 30 A,B,C.

Rate notices, 1954-1955, 1960-1961. A/13239-13240. 30 A,B,C.

Valuation roll, June 1964. A/13241. 30 A,B,C.

Health Inspector's report, 1939-1958. A/13242. 30 A,B,C.

Financial Statements, 1920-1940, 1944-1948, 1952-1957. A/13243. 30 A,B,C.

Accounts, 1959-1966. A/13243. 30 A,B,C.

General correspondence, 1922-1967. A/13244-13259. 30 A,B,C.

Water Supply Scheme, correspondence etc., 1946-1966. A/13260-13261. 30 A,B,C.

Correspondence Main Roads Commission, 1921-1966. A/13262-13265. 30 A,B,C.

Miscellaneous correspondence, 1921-1968. A/13266-13280. 30 A,B,C.

Minutes of meetings, August 1910-August 1945, July 1951-October 1968. A/13281-13292. 30 A,B,C.

Minutes of meetings, August 1945-December 1948. A/13293. 30 A,B,C.