Party: Thuringowa Shire Council (until 1904 Thuringowa Divisional Board)


Rate Cash books 1913-1915, 1927-1931, 1938-1951. 11 THU/2-6. 30 A,B,C.

Ratebooks 1884-1887, 1889-1899. 11 THU/7-19. OPEN A,B,C.

Valuation registers, 1886-1890, 1892-1899. 11 THU/20-39. OPEN A,B,C.

Valuation registers and rate books, 1900-1902, 1908-1956. 11 THU/32-127. 30 A,B,C.

Water Authority balance book, 1912-1915. 11 THU/128 (A). OPEN A,B,C.

Balance book, 1915-1919. 11THU/128. OPEN A,B,C.

Cleansing account, 1912-1919. 11THU/128. OPEN A,B,C.

Reports of various committees, 1905-1906. 11THU/129. OPEN A,B,C.

Balance book, 1905-1911. 11THU/130. OPEN A,B,C.

Statement of accounts, 1933-1942. 11THU/131. OPEN A,B,C.

Miscellaneous reports, contracts and balance sheets, 1924-1931. 11THU/132. OPEN A,B,C.

Applications for and general correspondence relating to building permits, June 1946-June 1961. 11THU/133. 30 A,B,C.

Loan works, 1961-1962. 11 THU/134. 30 A,B,C.

Houghton Tramway ledger account, 1922-1935. 11 THU/135. OPEN A,B,C.

Articles of agreement between Townsville Electricity Co. Ltd., and the Thuringowa Divisional Board, 1891. 11THU/136(A). OPEN A,B,C,

Lease 19492, Thuringowa Divisional Board - lessor, and E. Bergmann - lessee, 9 September 1898. 11THU/136(B) OPEN A,B,C.

Lease 12197, Thuringowa Divisional Board - lessor, and F. Hosking - lessee, 11 July 1894. 11THU/136(C).

Lease 12781, Thuringowa Divisional Board - lessor, and P. Luby - lessee, 11 December 1894. 11THU/136(D) OPEN A,B,C.

Title deeds for land for Presbyterian Church in name of R.B. Taylor, n.d. 11THU/136(E). OPEN A,B,C.

In-letters, relating to land transfers, December 1910-1921, July 1936-1939.

In-letters, general, February 1917-April 1918, November 1918-July 1920, December 1920-May 1921, December 1921-June 1923, November 1923-December 1924, June 1925-May 1927, November 1927-August 1929, November 1929-April 1931, September 1931-May 1932. 11THU/A1-38. OPEN A,B,C.

Water authority rate cash book, 1897-1902. 11 THU/1. OPEN A,B,C.

Minute books, February 1887-September 1897, February 1906-November 1922, December 1922-August 1935. 11THU/D1-6(A), D7-8. OPEN A,B,C.

Minutes of the Houghton Tramway Committee, 10 March-13 December 1922. 11THU/D6(B). OPEN A,B,C.

Claim for injury compensation by L. Ryan against the Thuringowa Shire Council, 17 October 1903. 11THU/136(F). OPEN A,B,C.

Miscellaneous tenders and associated papers, 1893-1894. 11THU/136 (G,H,I,J). OPEN A,B,C.

Papers regarding dispute between H. Wood and St. J. Robinson over dam built by Robinson on his property, December 1936-April 1938. 11THU/136(K). OPEN A,B,C.

Correspondence files relating to the following:

Loan on subsidy for approaches to Upper Boyle bridge, 1934-1935. OPEN A,B,C.

Giru Tramway loan, 1934-1935. OPEN A,B,C.

School reserve, Ross River, 1934-1936. OPEN A,B,C.

No. 4 Division and Shire boundaries, ca 1934-1938. OPEN A,B,C.

Commonwealth Departments of Air and Defence, on airfield land 1934-1935, 1942-1945. OPEN A,B,C.

Dam construction, Haughton River, 6-17 May 1935. OPEN A,B,C.

Major's Creek Irrigation Scheme, May-September 1935. OPEN A,B,C.

Aerodrome at Ross River, May 1935-June 1937. OPEN A,B,C.

Allocation of higher petrol tax, towards Shire road maintenance. OPEN A,B,C.

Toonpan Lagoon reserve, 1935-1940. OPEN A,B,C.

Ross River reserve, 1935-1936. OPEN A,B,C.

Townsville Harbour Board, 1936-1945. OPEN A,B,C.

Woodstock-Charters Towers road, ca 1937-1941. OPEN A,B,C.

A.L.P. Branches at Stewart's Creek and Oonoonba, 1935-1941. OPEN A,B,C.

Distribution of Lantana leaf bug colonies, August-October 1940. OPEN A,B,C.

Mill White Sugar, 1941-1942.OPEN A,B,C.

Water subsidy, Paluma Water Storage, 1957-1960. 30 A,B,C.

General correspondence files, 1946-1961. 30 A,B,C. 11THU/137-155.

Main Roads Department specifications for culverts on Giru • Woodstock road, also bridge specifications, n.d. 11THU/156(A,B). OPEN A,B,C.

Rate cards, 1956-1959. 11THU/157. 30 A,B,C.

Plans for TF/35, section C, 1956. (23 plans). 11THU/158(A). 30 A,B,C.

Plan for proposed Water Works Scheme for Mount Elliott, 1901. 11THU/158(B). OPEN A,B,C.

Plan for proposed Shire Council building, 1959-1961. 11THU/158(C). 30 A,B,C.

T.R.E.B. plans of Rollingstone Rural Extension, 1961. (4 plans). 11THU/158(D). 30 A,B,C.

Plans for Mutarnee Rural Extension, 1961. (5 plans). 11THU/158(E). 30 A,B,C.

Mount Louise Extension, Garbutt-Clare transmission lines, 1961. 11THU/158(F). 30 A,B,C.

Main Roads Department plans for Giru-Woodstock road, 1960. 11THU/158(G). 30 A,B,C.

Main Roads Department plan for Mount Spec road. 11THU/158(H). OPEN A,B,C.

Railway Department, plan and section, Houghton River Loop Line. 11THU/158(I). OPEN A,B,C.

Houghton River Sugar Mill, plan for railway siding, 1922. 11THU/158(J). OPEN A,B,C.

Letterbooks, March 1880-February 1888, January 1904-December 1910. 11THU/G1-2. OPEN A,B,C.

Letterbooks, September 1906-October 1908. 11THU/G3-4. OPEN A,B,C.

Letterbooks, January 1920-January 1944. 11THU/G5-46. OPEN A,B,C.

General correspondence, October 1932-September 1936, May 1937-October 1937, May 1938-April 1940, January-September 1941, March 1942-September 1942, January 1943-March 1944. 11THU/J1-23. OPEN A,B,C.

Ledgers, 1884-1957. 11THU/L1-9. 30 A,B,C.

Cash book, 1880-1887, 11THU/M1. OPEN A,B,C.

General cash books and bank accounts, 1888-1898, 1905-1925, 1934-1957. 11THU/M2-9.30A,B,C.

Water Authority cashbook, 1897-1914. 11THU/M10. OPEN A,B,C.