Party: Treasury Department


Limited holdings dating from 1859, a selective listing includes the following:

Letterbooks, February 1861-June 1914. TRE/G1-10 (A). OPEN A,B,C.

In-letters, 1860-1928. Chiefly TRE/A1-B60. OPEN A,B,C.

Executive minutes, 1859-1947. TRE/E1-389. OPEN A,B,C.

Registers of the receipt of redeemed land orders, February 1861-July 1907. TRE/N1-11. OPEN A,B,C.

Registers of payment of rent on runs in the Pastoral Districts of Burke, Cook, North and South Gregory, Leichhardt, Mitchell, North and South Kennedy, no. 35/1301-1320, September 1860-September 1906. TRE/1-20. OPEN A,B,C.

Journals of rents and assessments received, January 1872-September 1877, September 1898-August 1905. TRE/26-27.OPENA,B,C.

Correspondence regarding beche-de-mer industry, 1892-1897. TRE/30. OPEN A,B,C.