Party: Museums and Public Collections - Cooktown. James Cook Historical Museum, Helen Street, Cooktown, 4871


The collection is made up primarily of museum display material, however some important written and photographic records are held.


Personal papers and correspondence, Charles Beauchamp Marrett: Certificate of Marriage, to Engenice Haymet, 17 August 1881.

Letter, Marrett to his wife, Palmer River 16 January 1882, he describes his arrival at his new post and conditions prevailing. Letter, 'Charley to Darling [Jenny?], Cape Bedford, n.d., partly illegible. Photographs, Native Police Force, 24 prints in 1 album. Charles Marrett was a Sub-Inspector of the Native Police in the Palmer River district from ca 1881.

Notebook, entitled 'Spitfire Notebook', kept by the Court of Inquiry which went to Lizard Island on board the vessel Spitfire, to investigate the death of Mrs. Watson, her child and a Chinese employee on No. 5 Island of the Horwich Group in October 1881, includes sketch illustrations, n.d., 1 vol.

Notebook, kept by the Jensen family of the Cooktown area. Includes grocery lists, tallies of wallaby skins sold, miscellaneous jottings, n.d., 1 vol.

Articles of Association Monte Christo Gold Mining Company Ltd., 28 November 1887, pp. 25, 1 booklet. This company operated a gold mine on the Normanby Goldfield, with its office registered in Cooktown.

Concert programme, School of Arts Theatre, Cooktown, 17 June 1880.


Cooktown Independent, 1935-1940, 5 single copies.

The Museum also holds some Australiana and rare books, including the following:

Captain Cook's First Voyage, Captain Cook's Second Voyage, n.a., n.d., pp. 1022, 1 vol.

Captain Cook's Third Voyage, n.a., n.d., ports., maps, pp. 796, 1 vol.


An extensive collection of major significance to North Queensland history; subjects include early Cooktown, Native Police Force, Roman Catholic Convent and staff, Chinese settlers, mining and shipping subjects. A substantial selection of the collection has recently been copied and is held in the Photograph Collection of the Delamothe Collection at James Cook University.


A collection of unsorted material stored, including local business records written in Chinese script, (several boxes). Miscellaneous account books, notebooks and some copies of comparatively recent newspapers.