Party: Regional Libraries Cloncurry. Cloncurry Shire Council Library, Scarr Street, Cloncurry, 4824


The historical collection contains some important manuscripts, newspapers and photographs, and also rare printed items which are included in the following listing. The Cloncurry Shire Council holds an additional collection of historical photographs, see Local Government section.


Papers of Ernest Henry 1857-1884. Typescript and manuscript: correspondence, diary, field notes and maps, journal and reminiscences, photocopied.

1. Letters, Henry to his parents in England, 7 December 1857-28 January 1884, first letter written from the vessel Red Jacket on the voyage to Australia; the collection covers Henry's early pastoral experience in south-eastern Australia, his association with G.E. Dalrymple, exploration and pastoral settlement in north Queensland, prospecting and mining in northwestern Queensland, final letter written from Cloncurry. photocopied typescript of originals, pp. 320, p. 319 missing.

2. Diary 10 March-8 October 1866, portion only, photocopied typescript of original, pp. 153-209.

3. Diary and field notes, 1882.

Record of journeys of exploration in the Cloncurry district by Ernest Henry, notably, Argylla to Mount Oxide 14-20 February 1882, and return to Cloncurry 2-26 March 1882, includes sketch maps, photocopied typescript of original, pp. 32.

4. Journal, 28 November 1880-11 October 1881, includes map, photocopied typescript of original, pp. 8.

5. 'An account by Ernest Henry of an exploring trip resulting in the taking up of Hughenden Station', n.d., [1863?], photocopied typescript of original, n.p. [pp. 17].

6. 'Account of Exploration by Ernest Henry. Including the first discovery of copper at Cloncurry', signed E.H., n.d., photocopied typescript of original, n.p. [pp. 35].

7. 'The True Story of the Finding and Opening [of] Mount Oxide Copper Mine', signed EMH, n.d., photocopied typescript of original, n.p. [pp. 35].

8. 'The Prospect of Argylla. Being an account of the life of the Late E. Henry', by S.E. Pearson, Greenmount, Queensland, n.d., photocopied typescript, pp. 31.

On display:

Letters of Ernest Henry, 1890, 1896, to his daughter Ruby, written from Cloncurry, 2 items. Photographic portrait of Ernest Henry, in Scottish military uniform, aged 18 years. Correspondence, architectural plans, blue prints etc., regarding the installation of electric power in Cloncurry, 1929-1930, 1 package.

Printed records:

The Burke and Wills Exploring Expedition: an account of the Crossing of the Continent from Cooper's Creek to Carpentaria, with biographical sketches of Robert O'Hara Burke and William John Wills, Melbourne, 1861.

Flynn, Rev John, The Bushman's Companion. A Handbook of Hints for Outbackers, Melbourne, 3rd ed., 1912, pp. 10, includes first aid, a guide to letter writing, official papers and wills, moral and spiritual guidance, order of burial service. Church Services, hymns, poetry, selections from scripture, issued by the Home Mission Committee of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria, under the Bush Publishing Scheme.

Hensley, Jessie M. (comp.), Gleanings of Thought, 'These mottoes and quotations were gathered during the years 1914-1915, as A Souvenir of the Cloncurry District Hospital', Cloncurry, 1916, includes photographs of hospital staff, town scenes, pp. 66, very frail volume.

Booklet, Memoirs of the Late J.G. Macdonald F.R.G.S., n.a., n.d., with portrait, pp. 16. Publication on Cloncurry, (cover and title unavailable), [1913], pp. 90. Gives details of Cloncurry and district, including listings of members of civic bodies, Hospital Board, Shire Council etc., also historical notes, photographs, advertisements, statistics, damaged volume.

Newspapers: Single copies held:

Cloncurry Advocate, 9, 10 June, 18 November 1929, 24 March, 12 May 1930, 7 February 1941, 18 November 1949, 23 June 1950, 3 August 1951, 5 December 1952, 4 September, 3 October 1953.

Cloncurry and Mount Isa Record, 17, 24 June 1929. Winton Herald, 27 May 1929.


Collection relating to Alexander Kennedy and family, Ernest Henry and family, early mining and pastoral history, aviation history including the Flying Doctor and Qantas Airways, also the Robert O'Hara Burke collection of portraits of Robert O'Hara Burke, his wife Ann, and the family seat, in County Galway, Ireland.

The Ernest Henry papers and newspaper copies held by the Library have been copied for the Delamothe Collection of North Queensland History, James Cook University.

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