Party: Regional Libraries - Ingham. Hinchinbrook Shire Historical Library, Townsville Road, Ingham, 4850


The Library holds a considerable collection of primary and secondary sources including photographs. The following details have been supplied by the Library, and are listed as arranged.

VOL. 1. Shepherd, R.L., 'The Herbert River Story', typescript, bound, 3 vols, a history of the district since early naval exploration, by the editor of the Herbert River Express newspaper.

VOL. 4. 'When Ingham was Young', a collection of historical sketches of pioneering families of the district, includes an extract from Cummins and Campbell Magazine 1954, 'Early Days of the Herbert River District'.

VOL. 5. Sheahan, D., 'Songs of the Canefields', a collection of poems set in the local sugar-cane growing district.

VOL. 6. Invitation to Ingham and the Herbert River Valley, 1947, a brochure published by the Ingham Rotary Club and the Hinchinbrook Shire Council.

VOL. 7. Waving Canefields of the Herbert River Valley, a collection of ten essays set in the local sugar industry, includes printed extracts.

VOL. 8. Diary of Arthur Neame, 1870-1897, edited by Sydney May, includes memoirs, lectures, notes and poetry. The Neames settled in the Herbert Valley and founded the Macknade Mill, which they sold to C.S.R. in 1897.

VOL. 9. 72, 88. Smokesignals, 1968, 1969 newsletter of the Ingham Citizens Military Forces, 'C' Company 31st Royal Queensland Regiment, illustrated.

VOL. 10. Buria, Robert, 'Following The Blazed Paths', Ingham, [1962], nine historical sketches of the exploration and establishment of access routes to the interior from Ingham, Cardwell etc., typescript, bound.

VOL. 11. Scott, Arthur J., 'An Overland Expedition from Port Denison to Rockingham Bay during the months of April, May, June 1863', with a copy of an official letter from His Excellency Sir George Bowen on the subject of the expedition, both items read before the Royal Geographical Society, London, 11 April 1864.

VOL. 12. Buria, Robert, 'Mountain Ramparts', Ingham, n.d., twelve historical sketches chiefly concerned with access routes to the interior, Townsville and Ingham hinterland, typescript, foolscap, bound, ca pp. 83.

VOL. 13. Buria, Robert, 'Foxhounds of Ingham', a history of the activities of the Citizens Military Forces in Ingham, 1949-1967.

VOL. 14. Johnstone, Robert A., 'Spinifex and Wattle', extracts from a series of articles published in the Queenslander newspaper, 1904, with reminiscences of pioneering in the Herbert River District, pp. 79.

VOL. 15. 'The 1967 Flood, a collection of newspaper reports covering the inundation of the Herbert River District March 1967', extracts born Herbert River Express, Courier Mail, Sunday Mail, Townsville Daily Bulletin.

VOL. 16. Lynn, Beatrice M., 'Yunbulla', a collection of Aboriginal folk stories, poetry and nature studies of Ingham and the hinterland, 35 items in 1 vol.

VOL. 17. Pike, Glenville, Over the Years Townsville, [1960], a history of the Dalrymple Shire, covering the period 1845-1960, written to commemorate the centenary of pastoral occupation.

VOL. 18. Allingham, M.L., 'The Green Herbert', a collection of ten essays on local topics, including historical and botanical studies, Aboriginal legends and language, by the late Mrs. James Allingham, of Muralambeen.

VOL. 21. Minutes of meetings, Herbert River Trust, March 1942-July 1952, 1 vol. The Trust first met 10 March 1942.

VOL. 22. Preliminary report submitted to support the establishment of the Jourama National Park, Hinchinbrook Shire.

VOL. 23. A collection of printed articles relating to local history, entitled: Hinchinbrook Shire Historical Notes, Series 1. Extracts are from the Courier Mail, North Queensland Register, Cummins and Campbell Magazine, Red Comb Bulletin and A.H. Chisholm, A Strange New World.

VOL. 24. 'Report of a Two Months Visit to the Italian Settlement of the Herbert River (Parish of Ingham), by the Very Reverend Father Mambrini OFM, 1923, foolscap, photocopy, pp. 10, original held Mitchell Library.

VOL. 25. 'River on a Rampage', a selection of newspaper clippings and reports on the 1927 flood in the Ingham district, extracts from North Queensland Register 21 February 1927-11 April 1927, bound, pp. 37.

VOL. 26. Cowley Cutting Book, No. 2, a collection of extracts from the Courier Mail 1878-1888, relating to the Herbert River district, 1 vol.

VOL. 27. Commemorative publication, Victoria Mill - 1953, to mark the reconstruction and expansion of the Victoria Sugar Mill, and the extension of Victoria Mill canelands into the Abergowrie district of the Herbert River, n. pub. details.

VOL. 28-47, 91. A Year of Rotary, annual publication of the Ingham Rotary Club, 1949-1970.

VOL. 48, 85. Annual report, Hinchinbrook Shire Council, 1959-1969.

VOL. 49, 83. Gowrie Review, annual magazine, St. Teresa's Agricultural College, Abergowrie, 1968, 1969.

VOL. 50, 53, 75. 'Passing Years', a summary of community life and activities in the Herbert River District during 1913, 1926, 1934.

VOL. 51. 'Maraka '68', a collection of newspaper extracts and articles relating to Maraka Week activities in Ingham, 1968.

VOL. 52. Survey into the Natural Resources, Shire of Hinchinbrook, by the Department of Industrial Development, Brisbane, 1967.

VOL. 54-70, 82. Pharus, annual publication of the Ingham State High School, 1952-1969.

VOL. 71. Glimpses of Ingham and the Herbert River District, 1932, a pictorial brochure of the Hinchinbrook Shire.

VOL. 73. Town plan, Ingham, 1967, with report compiled by Gutteridge, Haskins & Davey, setting out the basic reasons for the fixing of zones in the zoning plan, and giving findings, and recommendations relevant to planning.

VOL. 74. Printed items relating to ceremonial parades involving the Kennedy Regiment, Townsville, 1958, 1959, 1968, 3 items.

VOL. 76. Portraits of Yesteryear, a collection of eleven historical essays and published extracts relating to the Herbert River district, Cardwell and Palm Island.

VOL. 77. Official Souvenir of Blessing and Opening of New Classroom and Science Block St. Teresa's College-Abergowrie. Includes an outline of the College history over 31 years.

VOL. 78. A collection of printed articles relating to local history entitled: Hinchinbrook Shire Historical Notes, Series 2. Extracts from the Journal of Royal Geographical Society, Brisbane Courier, North Queensland Register, Townsville Daily Bulletin and Herbert River Express.

VOL. 79. Briefing Notes, on the Herbert River/Upper Burdekin Area, prepared on the occasion of the visit of the Federal Food and Agricultural Committee 4th-5th July 1969, issued by the Ingham District Research and Promotion Bureau.

VOL. 81, I. Report, of Committee set up by the Coordinator General of Public Works to investigate pollution of the Herbert River, under the chairmanship of W.H.R. Nimmo, Chief Engineer, Stanley River Works Board, 25 November 1946.

VOL. 80, II. Report, to the Government of Queensland on the mitigation of the pollution of the Herbert River, North Queensland, by Harold Greve Strom, B.C.E., M.I.E., (AUST.), 1948.

VOL. 80, III. Report, to the Government of Queensland on the Herbert River pollution by Jack Mulholland, M.Sc., M.E., M.I.E.(AUST.), ASSOC. M.AM. SOC.CE., Consulting Engineer, 27 February 1950.

VOL 81. The Northern Planter, vol. VIII, no. 27, 9 November 1905.

VOL. 84. Peake, J.H., 'A History of the Burdekin', 1954, typescript, illus., bound, the author was Ayr Shire Clerk, 1933-1960.

VOL. 86. Tennant, Thomas, In the Tracks of the Native, depicts Aboriginal life and customs in North Queensland, (no other details).

VOL. 90. Eraser, Ross, North Queensland 1878-1958. An historical sketch of the Anglican Diocese of North Queensland, Townsville, 1958, map, illus., pp. 72.

VOL. 92. The Islands Review, vol. 1, no. 1, April/June 1968, vol. 1, no. 4, January/November 1969.

VOL. 93. Lucinda Development Plan, August 1970, Hinchinbrook Shire Council.

VOL. 94. A collection of articles relating to local history and events, entitled: Hinchinbrook Shire Historical Notes, Series 3. Including items by J.V. Mulligan, C.T. Wood, Larry Foley, and John Boydell.

VOL. 95. Supplementary preliminary report on Halifax/Lucinda Water Supply, April 1970, compiled by Gutteridge, Haskins and Davey for the Hinchinbrook Shire Council.

VOL. 96. Reconnaissance report on potential sources, water supplies to Macknade, Taylor's Beach and Cordelia, compiled by Gutteridge, Haskins and Davey for the Hinchinbrook Shire Council, [n.d.].

Photographs, a large collection of historical photographs is held, including the Sir Alfred Cowley Album. Sir Alfred Cowley managed the Hamleigh sugar plantation in the Ingham district from 1881, having previously farmed in the Herbert River for a short period from 1875. He entered parliament in 1888 as member for Herbert, and served as Speaker of the House for many years, until he lost his seat in 1907, and retired from politics. The collection is well annotated and includes scenes of the plantation and buildings, also Bronte Station, Gairloch House, Macknade Mill, family and social groups, Ingham buildings including the hospital, Church, a store, Land Commissioner's house, etc., also Pacific Island people and their homes, and some general views of the district. Other photographs held in the collection cover broad subject areas relating to the Herbert River district. The collection dates from 1870.

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