Party: Regional Libraries Rockhampton Municipal Library. WilliamStreet, Rockhampton, 4700


The following is a selective coverage of holdings in the Central Queensland Collection. The Library also holds a considerable photographic collection, which is not listed here. Photographs cover a wide range of subjects of local historical interest; part of the collection has been inherited from the former Rockhampton School of Arts. In addition the Library houses the Perrier Collection of Rare Books, a collection of English classics and Australiana. Subjects include Aborigines, European voyages and discovery, overland exploration, pioneer settlement and development, Pacific Island labour, natural history, government and politics, novels, poetry and songs and biographical studies. The collection is indexed and access is restricted.


Alien, K. The City and District of Rockhampton. A Short History, June 1924, foolscap, roneoed typescript, with index and bibliography, pp. 23, 1 folder.

Anon, Building the Rockhampton - Westwood Railway and Relevant Development, paper read to the Rockhampton and District Historical Society, roneoed typescript, pp. 7.

Beak, Henry, Introduction of the Poll Hereford Cattle into Australia, printed paper, 5 October 1977, provides a brief history of the Hereford breed in central Queensland, and the part played by the Beak family in support of the cattle industry.

Booth, N., Some notes on the history of the Byfield District, n.d., pp. 8, plus: Further notes on the history of the Byfield District, n.a., n.d., p. 1, containing a criticism of the previous paper, both roneoed typescript.

Burton, V.J, A History of the Rosewood Diggings, foolscap, typescript, pp. 7.

Flowers, W.H., The Hutton family and early settlers of the Palmerston District, January 1952, foolscap, typescript, pp. 6, 1 folder.

Freeman, A., Ross Creek and the beachfront, 1965, paper read to the Keppel Bay Historical Society, roneoed typescript, pp. 10.

Hermann A.E., (comp.), Development of Rockhampton and district, photocopy, bound, pp. 218, 131, 168, an historical and biographical work from 1845, 3 vols.

Hermann, A.E., Historical papers on James Atherton, William K. Higson and Robert Ross, typescript, pp. 8, 1 folder.

Hermann, A.E., The development of railways in central Queensland, foolscap, typescript, pp. 11, a paper delivered in 1962, tracing the history of railways from 1865.

Miller, V, Educational advancement in Yeppoon from 1935, paper delivered 1965, pp. 2.

Noyes, J., Development of the District. Early settlers, pastoral runs, first selectors, quarto, typescript, pp. 6, paper read to the Keppel Bay Historical Society, with map showing original pastoral holdings.

Noyes, J., The birth of the coastal towns, roneoed typescript, pp. 4, paper read to the Keppel Bay Historical Society, 1965.

Noyes, J., The birth of the coastal towns, roneoed, typescript, pp. 4, paper read to the Keppel Bay Historical Society, March 1966.

Sinclair, K., Mount Morgan, pp. 47, a history of gold discovery at Mount Morgan and includes a brief coverage of gold rushes in the Rockhampton hinterland from 1858.

Smithwick, T.E., The history of Emu Park, pp. 7, photocopy of a paper delivered 1972, containing an historical summary from the 1860s.


Birrell, M., T.J. Ryan and the Queensland Labour Party 1909-1919, B.A. Hons, U. of Q., 1952.

Corfield, Noela, The development of the cattle industry in Queensland, 1840-1890, B.A. Hons, U. of Q., 1959.

Holt, E.M., A study of the reactions of Rockhampton's newspapers to questions relating to the War, 1914-1918, B.A. Hons, J.C.U.N.Q., 1973.

Kingston, B.R., Theory and practice in the pastoral settlement of Queensland, 1859-1869, B.A. Hons, U. of Q., 1963.

Levander, V.A., The history of the Christian Brothers' Colleges in tropical Queensland, B.Ed., U. of Q., 1955.

McDonald, Lorna Lorraine, Land settlement in the northern Districts of Port Curtis and Leichhardt, 1853-1869, M.A. Qual., U. of Q., 1975.

Rayner, K., The history of the Church of England in Queensland, PhD, U. of Q., 1962.

Rayner, S.A., The evolution of the Queensland Labour Party to 1907, MA., U. of Q., 1947.

Rogers, Penelope, The Peak Downs Scheme, B.A. Hons, U. of Q., 1960.

Sheppard, J.P.C'., The Pacific Islander in Queensland, 1863-1883, B.A. Hons, U. of Q., 1966.

Voss, V.R., Early pastoral settlement in Central Queensland, B.A., U. of Syd., 1952.


Minutes of Proceedings, Jubilee Meeting, Rockhampton City Council, 8 June 1911, bound, pp. 16, includes photographs and an address by the Mayor, Alderman H. Medgraf, which includes an historical summary of the development of Rockhampton. Minutes of proceedings of the Diamond Jubilee Meeting of the Council of the City of Rockhampton, 7 July 1921, pp. 7.

Mayor's annual report. City of Rockhampton, 1910-1912, 1914-1921, 1923-1942, printed annually.

Statement of Accounts, City of Rockhampton, 1914, 1916-1948, 1951-1956, 1958, 1962, 1972-1973, printed annually.

By-Laws Municipality of Rockhampton, By-Laws No. 20 and No. 33, Omnibus and Hackney Carriage, Rockhampton, 1898, pp. 70.

Reports, Central Queensland Salt Industries Ltd., including annual reports 1960-1961, 1963-1975, prospectus 1957, also statistics, tables, geological data and maps, photocopy, pp.22.

Rockhampton Girl's Grammar School, Magazine, 1967-present.

Annual Report, Rockhampton Harbour Board, 1897-1898, 1945, 1950, 1951, 1953-1954, 1966-1967, 1969-1970, 1971-1972.

The Ports of Queensland and Their Services, Brisbane, 1963, pp. 93, bound, foolscap, roneoed, typescript, guide issued by the Department of Harbours and Marine.

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