Party: Regional Libraries - Townsville Municipal Library. Selected Listing of Australiana and Limited Circulation Publications Relating to the History of Central and Northern Queensland


Anon. Samuel Alien and Sons, 1872-1947, a history. [Townsville, 1947], typescript, photocopy, bound, pp. 18, 2 copies held.

Anon. Further Considerations on Separation, In Defence of Suggestions of His Excellency the Governor Sir H.W. Norman as embodied in His Excellency's Speech at Townsville on 30 April 1890, Townsville, 1890.

Anon. The Story of Scartwater. A Trust Established by the late A.H. W. Cunningham, for the benefit of returned soldiers and sailors and their dependants, [Townsville?], 1956. Illus., maps, pp. 84.

Bennett, M.M. Christison of Lammermoor, London, 1927.

Black, Jane, North Queensland Pioneers Charters Towers, 1931.

Bowen Independent and Bowen Historical Society, comp., The Story of James Morrill, 1863, Bowen, n.d., illus.

Brown, R. Spencer, A Journalist's Memoirs, Brisbane, 1927.

The Cairns Post, comp., The Life of A.J. Draper, Cairns, 1931.

Carron, William, Narrative of an Expedition Undertaken under the direction of the late Mr Assistant E.B. Kennedy, for the exploration of the country lying between Rockingham Bay and Cape York, facsimile of 1849 edition, by Adelaide Library Board.

Clarke, William, The Founding of Rockhampton and the Archer Brothers, Brisbane, 1919.

Collin, William, Life and Adventures (of an Essex man Captain William Collin a Queensland Pioneer), Brisbane, 1914.

Doherty, W.J., The Townsville Book, A Complete Sketch of the History, Topography and Prominent Early Residents of Townsville, Brisbane, [1919?], 3 copies held. Douglas, John, Past and Present of Thursday Island and Torres Straits, Brisbane, 1900, photocopy.

Efford, Fred, At The Foot of a Hill. The Samuel Alien Story, [Townsville?], 1972, typescript bound, pp. 19.

Feetham, J.O., and Rymer, W.O., (eds.), North Queensland Jubilee Book 1878-1928, Townsville, 1927.

Foreman, Edgar, The History and Adventures of a Queensland Pioneer by Edgar Foreman, being experiences of the author, Brisbane, 1928, photocopy.

Eraser, Ross, (ed.), Historical Sketch of the Diocese of North Queensland, n.d., 2 copies held.

Grant, A.C., Bush Life in Queensland, or John Wests Colonial Experiences, Edinburgh, 1888, photocopy.

Gray, Robert, Reminiscences of India and North Queensland 1857-1912, London, 1913. Gribble, E.R., Forty years with the Aborigines, Sydney, 1930,

Hann, Joseph and Family, Settlement in North Queensland 1861-1871. edited and transcribed by H.M. Clarke, Townsville, 1976.

Hann, William, Copy of the diary of the northern expedition under the leadership of Mr William Hann, Brisbane, 1873. with maps.

Landsborough, William, Journal of Landsborough's Expedition from Carpentaria in search of Burke and Wills, Melbourne, 1862.

Meston, A., Geographic History of Queensland, Brisbane, 1895.

North Queensland Register Newspaper Editor, The North Queensland Register Mining History of Charters Towers, 1872-1897, Charters Towers, 1897, photocopy.

Palmer, Edward, Early Days in North Queensland, Sydney 1903, 2 copies held.

Roth, H. Ling, The Discovery and Settlement of Port Mackay, Queensland, Halifax, 1908.

Stirling, A.W., The Never Never Land. A Ride in North Queensland, London, 1884, photocopy.

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