Party: Bowen Historical Society. Bowen Historical Society Talk Books


(Papers presented to the Society, many of which are printed for local circulation by the Bowen Independent Print.)

1. 'The Early History of the Fitzalan Family', read by Mrs H. Kenny. 'Extracts from The Scrapbook of Eugene Fitzalan', read by Mr H. Darwen. 5 September 1963

2. 'Coaching days 50 years ago', prepared and read by Mr W.A.R. Harris, 13 December 1963.

3. 'Rachel Henning, with extracts from the book Letters of Rachel Henning', prepared by Mr E.L. Maclean and Mrs W. Kelly, 13 February 1964.

4. 'Journey of W.H. Gaden and Party', compiled by Dr P. Delamothe and read by Mr H. Darwen, 13 March 1964.

5. 'This Bowen', from papers lent by Mrs J. Turner prepared by Mrs E.L. Maclean and Mrs W. Kelly. 10 April 1964.

6. 'Captain Henry Daniel Sinclair':

A. Film of re-enactment of the landing of Captain Sinclair and party by courtesy of the Shire Council.

B. Reading of a copy of a letter from Captain Sinclair 1866, relating to the payment of a promised reward for the discovery of Port Denison.

C. Reading of an account of a drowning tragedy in 1868, in which Captain Sinclair's

son, and brother were lost.

8 May 1964.

7. 'Why Sleepy Hollow'. An account of Show Week festivities in 1895 from a letter supplied by Mrs E.L. Maclean. Prepared and read by Mrs W. Kelly. 12 June 1964.

9. 'Christison of Lammermoor', Part I., prepared and read by Mr V.B. Jones, 21 August 1964.

10. 'Christison of Lammermoor', Part II., prepared by Mr V.B. Jones and read by Mr H. Fox. September 1964.

11. 'Captain Henry Daniel Sinclair', prepared and read by Mrs W. Kelly. October 1964.

12. 'Settlement of Hughenden and Winton districts', prepared and read by Dr F. Bauer, Senior lecturer in Geography at the University College of Townsville. November 1964.

13. 'The Bowen School of Arts', prepared and read by Mrs W. Cottrell. February 1965.

14. 'Reminiscences of Mrs. Fred Burdell', read by Mr W. Cottrell. March 1965.

15. 'Bowen's First Year', prepared and read by Dr P. Delamothe, O.B.E., M.L.A. April 1965.

16. 'Life of J. Edgerton Snr.', prepared Mrs E.M. Anderson. 'Battle for a Hotel, Bowen 1866', read by Mr H. Darwen. May 1965.

17. 'Poole Island Meatworks', prepared by Mr J. Stevens read by Miss Norma Moller. June 1965.

18. 'George Elphinstone Dalrymple', prepared and read by Mrs W. Kelly. July 1965.

19. 'The John Withnall family of Whitsunday Island', prepared and read by Mrs H.E.G. Kenny. August 1965.

21. 'Pastoral Settlement of the District by Michael Cunningham', presented by Mr E. Cunningham, Strathmore Station via Collinsville. October 1965.

22. 'George Elphinstone Dalrymple', prepared and read by Mrs Jean Farnfield, Lecturer in History at the University College of Townsville. November 1965.

23. 'Life on a Territory out-back property in the early days', prepared and read by Mrs E.L. Maclean. February 1966.

24. 'The First Election', prepared and read by Mrs W. Kelly. March 1966.

25. 'The Valley of Lagoons : A Study in Exile', by G.C. Bolton, read by Miss Norma Moller. April 1966.

26. 'Last Days at Somerset', prepared and read by Miss Ethel Barker. May 1966.

27. 'Bowen Downs', Part I, prepared and read by Mrs V.C. Jones. June 1966.

28. 'Bowen Downs', Part II, prepared and read by Mrs V.C. Jones. July 1966.

29. 'Pioneer Pub Crawl. Investigating the sites of the Old Hotel sites along the Bowen Downs Road', prepared and read by Mr H. Darwen. August 1966.

30. 'Richard Daintree', read by Mr Fisher from Queensland Heritage, vol. 1, no. 2, 1965. September 1966.

31. 'Extracts from the diary of Mrs Charles Gray referring to her journey from Townsville to Hughenden in 1868', read by Mrs R.E. Fisher from Queensland Heritage, vol 1, no. 1, November 1964. October 1966.

32. 'Early Courts and Court Houses, Bowen', prepared by Mrs W. Cottrell and read by Mr H. Fox. November 1966.

33. 'Bowen correspondent's reports in Rockhampton Bulletin, from 1861', edited and read by Mrs H.E.G. Kenny. February 1967.

34. 'The Churches of Bowen', compiled and read by Mrs G. Kelly. March 1967.

35. 'One Year at Bowen Downs', compiled by Mrs H. Fox and read by Mr H. Fox. April 1967.

36. 'Some Land Holders of the 1880s', prepared and read by Miss E. Barker. May 1967.

37. 'Sugar in the Early Days of Bowen', prepared and read by Miss E. Barker. May 1967.

38. 'Notes of Early Mt. Coolon and the Bowen Downs Road in the Bulliwallah Area', prepared and read by Mr S. Ozanne, with associated slides. June 1967.

39. 'Pioneers Mr and Mrs James Hall Scott and the Early Days of Queens Beach', prepared and read by Mrs E.L. Maclean. July 1967.

40. 'Personal Reminiscences of Mr H. Honey, of his years in the Fire Brigade - as trainee fireman in 1923 until his retirement as Fire Chief in 1966'. August 1967.

41. 'The Pioneering Gordons', by Mrs M.H. Thormahlen. September 1967.

43. 'James Gordon and the Early Customs House at Bowen', prepared and read by Mrs. V Jones. November 1967.

44. 'Loyal Lodge M.U.I.O.O.F. 1868-1968', prepared and read by Mrs W. Kelly. February 1968.

45. 'Childhood Memories of Bowen 1901-1909', by Mr Sydney [Walker?], the author was son of a former Harbour Master and Sub-collector of Customs at Bowen. April 1968.

46. 'Sir George Bowen in New Zealand 1868-1872', by Professor B.J. Dalton, Head of the Department of History, University College of Townsville. March 1968.

47. 'Reminiscences of Reverend James Reid and his family', (First Presbyterian Minister of Bowen -1863), by a son of Reverend Reid. Part I read by Mrs W. Kelly. May 1968.

48. Ibid., Part II. June 1968.

49. 'Life in Bowen, Port Denison, 1865'. Taken from the Diary of Charles Webster, prepared and read by Mrs J.M. Cottrell. July 1968.

50. 'A Pioneer Editor', prepared and read by Miss E. Barker. August 1968.

51. 'Trip to Mt. McConnell - Transport in the Early Days', prepared by Mrs H.E.G. Kenny and read by Mrs E.L. Maclean. September 1968.

52. 'The Bode Family', prepared by Mrs Enid Ken, read by Mrs H.E.G. Kenny. October 1968.

53. 'Frederick Raynor - The Man from His Writings', prepared and read by Mrs W. Kelly. November 1968.

54. Book Review [no details], prepared by Mrs Emmerson and read by Mr S. Ozanne. February 1969.

56. 'History of the Coke Works', prepared and read by Mr Ron Rees. [copy missing] April 1969.

57. 'Ships on Our Horizon', prepared and read by Mrs J.M. Cottrell. May 1969.

58. 'Newspaper History in Bowen', prepared and read by Mr H. Darwen. June 1969.

60. 'Captain Cook', prepared and read by Mr R.E. Fisher. August 1969.

61. 'James Gordon - The Second Span 1863-1904', prepared and read by Mr V.B. Jones. September 1969.

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63. 'Brief History of Horseshoe Bay', prepared by Mrs N. Payn and Mrs J.M. Cottrell, and read by Miss N. Moller. [Filed in General File H15]. November 1969.

64. 'A Dream Called Scartwater', prepared and read by Mrs W. Kelly. February 1970.

65. 'Life on the Flinders River', extract from Queensland Heritage, vol. 1, no. 2, May 1965, read by Mr W. Cottrell. March 1970.

66. 'Fifty Years Later', [relates to Poole Island], prepared by Mrs T. Broome. April 1970.

68. 'George Turner Snr', prepared and read by Mrs E. Maclean. May 1970.

69. 'Return from Mt. McConnell', (taken from Eden, C., My Wife and I in Queensland), prepared by Mrs H.E.G. Kenny. June 1970.

70. 'Recovery of The Endeavour Cannons', read by Mr V.B. Jones. July 1970.

71. 'Mrs Grey's Journey to Hughenden', final part, from Queensland Heritage, vol. 1, no. 1, November 1964, read by Mrs V. Jones. August 1970.

72. 'Another Year at Bowen Downs', read by Mrs H. Fox, [copy missing]. September 1970. 75. 'Coaching Days', by Mr W.A.R. Harris. February 1971.

77. 'Droving on the Burdekin', taken from Queensland Heritage, vol. 11, no. 3, 1970, read by Mr S. Ozanne. April 1971.

78. 'Eugene Fitzalan. Pioneer, Botanist and Poet', prepared and read by Mrs W. Kelly. May 1971.

80. 'A Write Up About Bowen In The North Queensland Leader', read by Mr H. Darwen. [copy missing]. July 1971.

81. 'Charles Eden'. From My Wife and I in Queensland, read by Mrs H.E.G. Kenny. August 1971.

82. 'History of Port Denison', prepared and read by Mr. R. Steen. September 1971.

83. 'Battle for a Hotel', read by Mr J. Ashworth. October 1971.

84. 'Normanby Goldfields Southern Section', prepared and read by Mr V.B. Jones. November 1971.

85. 'In Search of a G. Grandfather. William Marks. Son of Karl Marx', prepared by Miss E Barker. February 1972.

86. 'Cooktown', extract from Queensland Heritage, read by Mrs E.L. Maclean. March 1972.

88. 'Bowen in its Infancy', prepared by Mrs P. McMahon. May 1972.

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90. 'Bowen Railways', prepared and read by Mrs J.M. Cottrell. July 1972.

92. 'Looking Backwards', read by Mrs H.E.G. Kenny, [copy missing], September 1972.

93. 'Bowen Freezing Works', prepared and read by Mr Graham Dear. November 1972.

94. 'History on the Hill', read by Mrs E.L. Maclean, from The Year Book, [no details]. February 1973.

96. 'Recollections of Mr J.E. Lott', read by Mrs P. McMahon. April 1973.

97. 'Mackay in the 19th Century', read by Mrs E.L. Maclean from The Year Book [no details]. May 1973.

98. 'History of The Downs', prepared and read by Mrs W. Kelly. June 1973.

99. 'From Mangroves to Mountains', read by Mrs W. Kelly. July 1973.

100. 'Extract from Tropical Sketch Book, read by Mrs E. Maclean. August 1973.

101. 'History of Bowen - Collinsville Railway', prepared and read by Miss N. Moller. September 1973.

102. 'Ludwig Leichhardt', read by Mr V.B. Jones. November 1973.

103. 'Personalities from Q.R.N. Journal', read by Mrs E. Maclean. February 1974.

104. 'Story of a Murder', prepared and read by Mrs W. Kelly, researched from the Port Denison Times by Mrs P. McMahon and Mrs I. Wilton. March 1974.

105. 'Alex Vennard, (alias Bill Boyang)', prepared and read by Miss E. Barker. April 1974.

106. 'Tribute to the late Mrs. Kathleen Emmerson', prepared and read by Mrs E. Maclean. May 1974.

107. Tape recording of proceedings at the Anzac Day Ceremony, celebrating the completion of Stage I of the Historical Society's New War Memorial Historical Museum, by unveiling a plaque and placing a time capsule in the foundation. Tape recorded and played by Miss E. M. Barker. June 1974.

108. 'Queensland's Marine Defence Force', read by Mrs W. Kelly. July 1974.

109. 'Extract from My Wife and I in Queensland', read by Mrs E. Maclean. August 1974.

110. 'The Holey Dollar', prepared and read by Mr W. Cottrell, [copy missing]. September 1974.

111. 'Waltzing Matilda and The Bowen Soldiers' Memorial', prepared and read by Miss E.M. Barker. October 1974.

112. 'North Australian Hotel', prepared by Mrs J.M. Cottrell and read by Miss N. Moller. November 1974.

113. 'Centenary of Wrotham Park', read by Mrs E. Maclean. February 1975.

114. 'Waiben', read by Mrs E. Maclean. March 1975.

115. 'History of the Settlement of Somerset', prepared and read by Mrs P. McMahon. April 1975.

116. 'The Wreck of the Eva', prepared and read (on tape), by Miss E.M. Barker. May 1975.

117. 'Genesis of Sugar Milling in Proserpine', prepared and read by Mavis I. McClements. June 1975.

118. 'Inquests held before Philip Pinnock 1869-1882', prepared and read by Mrs G. Kelly. July 1975.

119. 'Incidents from The Black Police of Queensland', read by Mrs E. Maclean. August 1975.

120. 'Joseph Hann and Family Settlement in North Queensland 1862'. Based on 1861-1871 Diary. Prepared and read by Mr H. Clarke, Fanning River Station, Mingela. September 1975.

121. 'Forty Years on the Waterfront', prepared and read by Joe Eatough, Argyll Park Road, Bowen. October 1975. 121B. 'History of Red Cross-Bowen Branch', prepared and read by Mrs G. Kelly. November 1975.

122. 'The Romance of the Rocks', prepared and read by Mavis I. McClements. February 1976.

123. 'A Respect for Historical Heritage', prepared and read by Miss E.M. Barker. March 1976.

126. 'The First 17 Years of the Bowen Fire Brigade 1923-1940', prepared and read by Mrs G. Shardlow. June 1976.

127. 'Amalie Dietrich - The Almost Forgotten Naturalist', prepared and read by Mrs Betty Cogle. July 1976.

128. 'The Bowen Boys' State School 1905-1912. Recollections of a small boy'. Prepared and read by Mr W. Cottrell. August 1976.

129. 'Bowen State Primary Schools: 1916-1933. From Personal Experience as Student, Student-Teacher and Teacher', prepared and read by Mrs Jean McKenna. August 1976.

130. 'Three Events in 1869 - In Bowen', prepared and read by Miss E.M. Barker. September 1976.

131. 'A Trip to Birralee Station', extract from Lock, A.C., People We Met, read by Mrs M. McLean. October 1976.

132. 'Port Denison Quite Eclipsed by Expectations, from the 1866 Diary of J.T. Walker, First Manager of the Bank of N.S.W. in Townsville', prepared and read by Mrs J.M. Cottrell. November 1976.

133. 'A Town Called Proserpine', prepared and read by Mavis I. McClements [copy missing]. February 1977.

134. 'The Romance of Sugar', prepared and read by Mrs G. Kelly. March 1977.

NO NUMBER. 'An Early School Teacher, James Adam', extract from R.H.S. Journal, vol. X, no. 1, 1975-76, read by Mrs Betty Cogle. April 1977.

135. 'Some Letters and People'. Covers Bode family and Bowen Downs Road, Captain McDermott of the Jenny Dove, the Quetta shipwreck, Collinsville details, J. Kilner and Eugene Fitzalan and their marine collections of the 1860s and 1870s, being studied by Dr lan Price of the Botany Department, James Cook University of North Queensland; paper prepared and read by Miss E.M. Barker. June 1977.

NO NUMBER 'Francis Clarke - pioneer architect, surveyor and Bowen's first mayor', taken from B. Arch. thesis by Otto Cserhalmi, read by Mrs Betty Cogle. July 1977.

NO NUMBER. 'Herbert's Plaque', extract from R.H.S. Journal, read by Mrs M. McLean. August 1977.

NO NUMBER. Pre-retirement tribute to Bob Steen, Vice-President, who is retiring from Bowen Harbour Board position of Secretary. October 1977.

NO NUMBER. 'Francis Clarke - pioneer architect, surveyor and Bowen's first mayor', continuation of paper July 1977, read by Mrs. Betty Cogle. March 1978.

139. 'A Tribute To Sam (Jock) Hughes', prepared and read by Mrs G. Kelly. July 1978.