Party: Cairns Historical Society. Cairns Historical Society Bulletins


1. Gallogly, W., 'Port Douglas', November 1958.

2. Stephens, S.E., 'The Whyfor of Cairns', December 1958. Crowe, T.H., 'Some memories of Early Cairns', December 1958.

3. Stephens, S.E., 'Early Communications - Road', January 1959.

4. Gallogly, W., 'Cape Melville Cyclone', 'Herbert Graham Vidgen', 'Cyclone and Flood, Cairns, 1927', February 1959.

5. Crowe, T.H., Cobb and Co., March 1959.

6. MacDonnell, H.K.N., 'Early Reminiscences of Cairns', April 1959.

7. Lands Department Files, 'Early Land Selection', May 1959. MacDonnell, H.K.N., 'Railways, Cairns District', May 1959.

8. Stephens, S.E. 'Somerset', June 1959.

9. Trappes-Lomas, Mrs L., (nee Lucy Atherton), 'John Atherton', July 1959.

10. Jones, F., 'Irvinebank', August 1959.

11. Stephens, S.E., 'The Palmer Goldfield', September 1959.

12. McDonald, T. 'Early Flying in North Queensland', October 1959.

13. McDonald, T., 'Early Flying in North Queensland', cont., November 1959. Alien, Mrs M., 'William Jack', November 1959.

14. Briggs, T.W., 'Queensland Ambulance Transport Brigade, Cairns District', December 1959.

15. Bolton Dr. G.C., 'The Hanns of Maryvale', February 1960.

16. Bolton Dr. G.C., 'The Hanns of Maryvale', cont., March 1960.

17. Purcell, H., 'Early History of Cairns and District Railways', April 1960.

18. Collinson, J.W. 'Genesis of Cairns, Cardwell, Townsville, Somerset', May 1960.

19. Gallogly, W.J., 'The Route of Least Resistance, 'Gentle Anne', June 1960.

20. Morris, F.R., 'Water Supplies to Cairns', July 1960.

21. Morris, F.R., 'Water Supplies to Cairns', cont., August 1960.

22. Gallogly, W., 'Alexander Moor Renton, Prospector, Watsonville', September 1960.

23. Stephens, S.E., Second Annual Report, October 1960.

24. Woodward, Mrs. O.H., 'Pioneers of North Queensland, Waddell Family', November 1960.

25. Headrick, D., 'My Young Days in Cairns', January 1961.

26. Headrick, D., 'My Young Days in Cairns', cont., February 1961.

27. Walmsley, Mrs E.M., 'Origins of Familiar Place Names', March 1961.

28. Stephens, S.E., 'The Trinity Times - Extracts', April 1961.

29. Bonar, Miss Janet, 'Bonar Family (Herberton, Kairi)' May 1961.

30. Cummings, E.T.A., 'Old Cairns', June 1961.

31. Cummings, E.T.A., 'Old Cairns', cont., July 1961.

32. Stephens, S.E., 'The Origin of Cairns', August 1961.

33. Abbott, Hon. C.L., 'Henry Palmer Abbott - Abbott Street', Stephens, S.E. Third Annual Report, September 1961.

34. Walmsley, Mrs E.M., 'Richard Daintree', October 1961.

35. Dillon, Mrs. T., 'Early Experiences of the Cairns-Kuranda Railway', November 1961.

36. Stephens, S.E., 'Cooktown', January 1962.

37. O'Callaghan, M., 'The Stannary Hills Tramway', February 1962.

38. Stephens, S.E., 'The Pearling Fleet Tragedy - cyclone', March 1962.

39. O'Callaghan, M., 'The Irvinebank Tramway', April 1962.

40. O'Callaghan, M., 'Personalities and Staff, Stannary Hills and Irvinebank Tramways', May 1962.

41. Griffiths, Mrs. D., 'Stratford and Freshwater', June 1962.

42. Jardine, P.L., 'Torres Straits Records, Prince of Wales Island, Torres Strait Islands', July 1962.

43. Aplin, C.D.H., 'Report of Pearl Fisheries of Torres Straits, 1874', August 1962.

44. Aplin, C.D.H., 'Report of Pearl Fisheries of Torres Straits 1874', cont., Stephens, S.E., Fourth Annual Report, September 1962.

45. Barnard, H.G., 'The Climb of the Bellenden Ker Range, 1889' October 1962.

46. Malcolm, J., 'Kamerunga in the early 1900s' November 1962.

47. Boyd, S.H., 'John Boyd and His Wife', January 1963.

48. Williams, S., 'Mount Mulgrave Station', Stephens, S.E., 'Cooktown Water Supply', February 1963.

49. Boyd, S.H., 'Peninsula Prospecting Days', March 1963.

50. Yeatman, Mrs. E., 'Rossville and other Tin Fields', April 1963.

51. Boyd, S.H., 'Sandalwood in the Peninsula', May 1963.

52. Tierney, W.F., 'Cairns at the Turn of the Century', June 1963.

53. Tierney, W.F., 'Cairns at the Turn of the Century', cont., July 1963.

54. Walmsley, M.O., 'Elizabeth Batts Cook and Family', August 1963.

55. Stephens, S.E., Fifth Annual Report, September 1963.

56. Walmsley, Mrs. E.M., 'George Augustus Frederick Elphinstone Dalrymple', October 1963.

57. Villiers, Andrew, 'The Brilliant Fire at Charters Towers', November 1963.

58. Walmsley, Mrs E.M., 'William Oswald Hodgkinson, 1838-1900', December 1963.

59. Walmsley, Mrs E.M., 'William Oswald Hodgkinson, 1838-1900', cont., January 1964.

60. Nixon, J.G., 'Firearms in North Queensland', February 1964.

61. Franken, F., 'Mowbray River and Port Douglas', March 1964.

62. Franken, F., 'Daintree - the Aboriginals', April 1964.

63. Franken, F., 'Mossman', May 1964. Boyd, S.H., 'Random Recollections of Coen, 1890s', May 1964.

64. Stephens, S.E., 'Street Names in Cairns', June 1964.

65. Stephens, S.E., 'Street Names in Cairns', cont., July 1964.

66. Gallogly, W.J., 'Thomas Galloway - Galloway Johnstone', August 1964.

67. Stephens, S.E., 'The Palmer Gold Mines Ltd.,' Sixth Annual Report, September 1964.

68. Stephens, S.E., 'The Palmer Gold Mines Ltd.,' cont., October 1964.

69. Williams, S.R., 'Ebagoolah', November 1964.

70. MacDonnell, H.K.N., 'Palmer Goldfield (some proposals for reviving it)', December' 1964.

71. O'Callaghan, M., 'Historical Record of Montalbion', January 1965.

72. O'Callaghan, M., 'Historical Record of Mount Albion', February 1965.

73. Gallop, Rollo, 'Visit Sir Henry Abel Smith and Lady May to Aurukun', March 1965.

74. Stephens, S.E., 'More Notes on the Palmer Goldfield', April 1965.

75. Stephens, S.E., 'More Notes on the Palmer Goldfield', cont., May 1965.

76. Mr. Bax, President Royal Historical Society, 'Cook Bi-Centenary Celebrations', June 1965.

77. Walmsley, Mrs. E.M., 'Coen to 1907', July 1965.

78. Stephens, S.E., 'Cooktown Municipal Railway', August 1965.

79. Stephens, S.E., 'By-Laws of the Cooktown Municipal Council', Seventh Annual Report, September 1965.

80. Douglas, D., 'Early History of Cairns School of Arts', October 1965.

81. Douglas, D., 'Early History of Cairns School of Arts', cont., November 1965.

82. Williams, S.R., '70 Years Ago - Extracts from the Morning Post, November 1895', December 1965.

83. Stephens, S.E., 'The Koorboora Tin Company', February 1966.

84. Johnston, W.T., 'The Cairns Range Railway', March 1966.

85. Williams, S.R. 'Mt. Mulligan Disaster', April 1966.

86. Stephens, S.E., 'Local Government in Cairns', May 1966.

87. Stephens, S.E., 'Local Government in Cairns', June 1966.

88. Walmsley, M.O., 'Normanton', July 1966.

89. Stephens, S.E., 'Peninsula Telegraph', August 1966.

90. Dudley, D., 'Mining Days in Chillagoe District', September 1966.

91. Comino, G. 'Aboriginal Place Names, Kuranda', October 1966.

92. O'Callaghan, M., 'Township of Watsonville', November 1966.

93. O'Callaghan, M., 'Township of Watsonville', cont., December 1966.

94. O'Callaghan, M. 'Township of Watsonville', cont., January 1967.

95. Toohey, P., 'My First Half Century in Cairns', February 1967.

96. Toohey, P., 'My First Half Century in Cairns', cont., March 1967.

97. Comino, G. 'Railway Station Names', April 1967.

98. Comino, G. 'Hartman's Museum', May 1967.

99. Stephens, S.E. 'Some Early Sawmilling Ventures', June 1967.

100. Stephens, S.E., 'North Coast Railway', July 1967.

101. Doherty, T., 'Cairns Timber Ltd.,' August 1967.

102. Stephens, S.E., 'Some Memorials in North Queensland', September 1967.

103. Stephens, S.E., Ninth Annual Report, October 1967.

104. Johnston, W.T., 'Komet', November 1967.

105. Johnston, W.T., 'The Men who Blazed the Track - Hodgkinson Goldfield to Trinity Inlet', January 1968.

106. Johnston, W.T., 'Aboriginals', February 1968.

107. Alexander, L.C., 'The Cutten Family', March 1968.

108. Alexander, L.C., 'The Cutten Family', cont., April 1968.

109. Trezise, P. & Stewart, W., 'The Bump Road', May 1968.

110. O'Callaghan, M. 'John Moffat of Irvinebank', June 1968.

111. Taylor, Chas., 'Burns Philp and the Gulf', July 1968.

112. Taylor, Chas., 'Burns Philp and the Gulf', cont., August 1968.

113. Stephens, S.E., Tenth Annual Report, September 1968.

114. Walmsley, Mrs. E.M., 'Battle of Parramatta Park', October 1968.

115. Johnstone, W.T., 'E.A. Koch' November 1968.

116. Johnstone, W.T., 'E.A. Koch', cont. December 1968.

117. Secombe Snr. 'Georgetown at the Turn of the Century', February 1969.

118. Stephens, S.E., 'To Search Unchartered Waters', March 1969.

119. Stephens, S.E., 'Archibald Meston', April 1969.

120. Heard, S.E.R., 'Ernest Henry of Hughenden, Cloncurry', May 1969.

121. Walmsley, Mrs. E.M., 'Beef Riots - Charters Towers, 1872', June 1969.

122. Scanlan, J., 'Goldsborough', July 1969.

123. Seaton, Doug, 'Cairns in the first decade of the twentieth century', August 1969.

124. Stephens, S.E., Eleventh Annual Report, September 1969.

125. Seaton, Doug, 'Cairns in the first decade' cont. , October 1969.

126. Seaton, Doug, 'Cairns in the first decade' cont. , November 1969.

127. MacDonnell, H.K.N., 'More Goldsborough', February 1970.

128. Winfield, J.G., 'Hodgkinson Goldfield', March 1970.

129. Stephens, S.E., 'Mrs. Watson - Heroine of Lizard Island', April 1970.

130. See Poy, T., 'Diary of Taam Sze Pui', May 1970.

131. See Poy, T., 'Diary of Taam Sze Pui', June 1970.

132. Stephens, S.E., 'Cooktown's Capt. Cook Bi-Centenary Celebrations', July 1970.

133. Johnston, W.T., 'Diedrich Henne, Botanical Collector', August 1970.

134. Johnston, W.T., 'Diedrich Henne, Botanical Collector' cont., September 1970.

135. Stephens, S.E., Twelfth Annual Report, October 1970.

136. Lin Foy, Mrs Amy 'The Pangs and Lin Foys', November 1970.

137. Walmsley, Mrs E.M., 'J.G. MacDonald', January 1971.

138. Stevens, S.E., 'Cairns-Mulgrave Tramway', February 1971.

139. Stevens, S.E., 'Vanishing Towns of North Queensland, (Smithfield and Kamerunga), March 1971.

140. Sister Mary Josephine, 'Pioneering Days of Myola', April 1971.

141. Tranter, M. & H., 'Milla Milla, 1908-1968', May 1971.

142. Winfield, J.G., 'Northcote Gold and Antimony and Queen Constance Gold Mine', June 1971.

143. Sister Mary Josephine, 'Pioneering Days Mareeba', July 1971.

144. Stephens, S.E., 'Anniversary Mt. Mulligan Disaster', August 1971.

145. Jones, J. Prospector, 'Granite Creek Ghost', September 1971.

146. Stephens, S.E., Thirteenth Annual Report, November 1971.

147. Johnston, W.T., 'Burke and Wills Search Expeditions', December 1971.

148. Weston, H., 'Green Island in 1925', February 1972.

149. Stephens, S.E., 'Memorial to Malaria Control', March 1972.

150. Tierney, W.F., 'Railway Engine Driver, Jack Haren', April 1972.

151. Weston, H.V., 'Tin Scratching 1926, 27', 'First N.Q. Tin Dredge, 1928', May 1972.

152. Stephens, S.E., 'The Hodgkinson Goldfield', June 1972.

153. Tierney, W.F., 'Chinese in Cairns and District', July 1972.

154. Stephens, S.E., 'The Palmer Road, 1972', August 1972.

155. Stephens, S.E., 'Goldsborough Field Day', September 1972.

156. Stephens, S.E., Fourteenth Annual Report, October 1972.

157. Doherty, Mrs C., 'Cairns Prison - 60 Years Ago', November 1972.

158. Mann, Mrs R.C., 'Early History of Kuranda', December 1972.

159. Mann, Mrs R.C., 'Changes and Comparisons of Kuranda', February 1973.

160. Stephens, S.E., 'Beginnings of the Douglas Shire', March 1973.

161. Johnstone, W.E., 'Early Land Settlement on the Russell River', April 1973.

162. Johnstone, W.E., 'Land Settlement on the Lower Russell', May 1973.

163. Alien, Mrs M., 'Robert Colin Ringrose', June 1973.

164. Mann, Mrs R.C., 'Torres Strait Islands from 1912', July 1973.

165. Stephens, S.E., 'Law Enforcement on the Palmer River', August 1973.

166. O'Callaghan, M., 'Three Veteran Prospectors - Cardwell Peters and the Roos Brothers', September 1973.

167. Alien, Mrs M., 'The Carrington Falls, A Visit', October 1973.

168. Johnston, W.T., Fifteenth Annual Report , November 1973.

169. Johnston, W.T., 'Dalrymple and the Queensland North East Expedition', December 1973.

170. Johnston, W.T., 'Dalrymple and the Queensland North East Expedition', cont., December 1973.

171. Brody, Dr L, 'Letter from a Prussian Migrant', February 1974.

172. Stephens, S.E., 'Early Agricultural Activities, North Queensland', March 1974.

173. Johnston, W.T. 'Dalrymple and the Queensland North East Expedition', cont. , April 1974.

174. Johnston, W.T., 'Dalrymple and the Queensland North East Expedition', cont., May 1974.

175. Johnston, W.T., 'Scientific Expedition to Summits of Bellenden Ker Range, 1889', June 1974.

176. Stephens, S.E., 'Notes for Field Day, Stratford to Smithfield', July 1974.

177. Johnston, W.T., 'Scientific Expedition to Bellenden Ker' cont. , August 1974.

178. Mclnnes, A., 'Off Cairns, week from Trinity Sunday, 1770', September 1975.

179. Mclnnes, A., 'Off Cairns, Part II', October 1974.

180. Johnston, W.T., Sixteenth Annual Report, November 1974.

181. Pearson, Mrs E.M., 'Daintree Provisional School', November 1974.

182. Stephens, S.E., 'Palmer Roads, early 1874', January 1975.

183. Hesp. A., 'Early History of Aloomba', February 1975.

184. Stephens, S.E., 'When Cairns Was A Cannery', March 1975.

185. Stephens, S.E., 'Mulligan on the Hodgkinson', April 1975.

186. Johnston, W.T., 'Hodgkinson Goldfield Report, March 1876, May 1975.

187. Sim, Mrs K., 'Cairns Memories, 1911-1925', June 1975.

188. Sim, Mrs K., 'Cairns Memories' cont. , July 1975.

189. Stephens, S.E., 'Meston Report on the Aboriginals', August 1975.

190. Johnston W.T., 'Memories of a Cairns Childhood, 1910-1915', September 1975.

191. Stephens, S.E., 'Kingsborough, Kingsbro, Kingston?' October 1975.

192. Johnston, W.T., Seventeenth Annual Report, November 1975.

193. Johnston W.T., 'Frederick Walker and Native Mounted Police', December 1975.

194. Webb, G.E., 'George Jonathan Evenden, 1829-1907', January 1976.

195. Johnston, W.T., 'McLeod Street Cemetery, Cairns', February 1976.

196. MacDonnell, H.K.N., 'Early Days Cairns, Sugar Industry', March 1976.

197. MacDonnell, H.K.N., 'Early Days Cairns, Mining' April 1976.

198. MacDonnell, H.K.N., 'Early Days Around Cairns', May 1976.

199. Morton, Mrs R. 'Edwin Grassland', June 1976.

200. Johnston, W.T., 'John Doyle, 1842-1932', July 1976.

201. Mclnnes, A., 'So Close to Cairns, June 1768', August 1976.

202. Mclnnes, A., 'Droving to the Palmer Goldfield, 1875-76', September 1976.

203. O'Callaghan, M., 'Pioneering Family of Arbouins', October 1976.

204. O'Callaghan, M., 'Pioneering Family of Arbouins', cont., November 1976.

205. Mclnnes, A., 'Holmes Reefs', December 1976.

206. Taylor, Brian 'Centennial Trail Ride, Hodgkinson to Cairns, 1976', January 1977.

207. Johnston, W.T., 'Record of Deaths during first year of the Palmer', February 1977.

208. Bowley, (extracts from his letters), 'Second Droving Trip to the Palmer', March 1977.

209. Johnston, W.T., 'Green Island Tragedies of 1873', April 1977.

210. Johnston, W.T., 'Green Island Tragedies', cont., May 1977.

211. Gallogly, W.J., 'The Tale of a Horse', June 1977.

212. O'Callaghan, M., 'Ragged Camp ' July 1977.

213. Johnston, W.T., 'Growing up in Babinda', August 1977.

214. Peever, R., 'Hell's Gate Exploratory Trip', September 1977.

215. Stephens, S.E., 'Japanese Fishing Tragedy off Cairns, 1913', October 1977.

216. Sim, L., Nineteenth Annual Report, Mclnnes, A., 'Two Companions, Sapphire and Marina', November 1977.

217. Mclnnes, A., 'Two Companions' cont. , December 1977.

218. Johnston, W.T., 'Palmer Goldfield and Rush from the Etheridge', January 1978.

219. Blazer, John, 'Childhood Memories of Fretwell', February 1978.

220. Stephens, S.E., 'Who was Christie's Mate?' March 1978.

221. Tenni, J.M., 'Reminiscences of pioneer cane grower, Redlynch', April 1978.

222. Tenni, J.M., 'Cyclone Jim's Memories', May 1978.

223. Kerr, R.S., 'Herbertons Early Newspapers', Johnston, W.T., 'A Mining Accident at Calcifer 1903', June 1978.

224. Broughton, Pat, 'William Walter Mason', July 1978.

225. Toomey, Tim, 'Mungana Memories', August 1978.'

226. — 'The Hann Expedition into Cape York Peninsula (1872)', September 1978.

227. —, 'The Hann Expedition' cont., Sim, L.L., Twentieth Annual Report, October 1978.

228. —, 'The Hann Expedition' cont., November 1978.

229. Scammell, Doris A., 'Byerstown', December 1978.

230. Crowe, Thomas H., 'Early North Queensland History', January 1979.

231. Crowe, Thomas H., 'Early' cont., February 1979.

232. Mclnnes, Alan, 'Our First Industry', (beche-de-mer), March 1979.

233. Collins, C.J. 'Recollections of Cairns', April 1979.

234. O'Leary, M. 'The Palmer Reefs', May 1979.

235. Mclnnes, Alan, 'Extracts from Dangers and Difficulties of the Torres Strait and Inner Route', June 1979.

236. Mclnnes, Alan, 'Extracts' cont., July 1979.

237. Skinner, L.E., 'Police and the Early Northern Gold Fields', August 1979.

238. O’Leary, M., (1929), 'The Palmer', September 1979.

239. O'Leary M., (1929), 'The Palmer' cont., Sim, L.L., Twenty first Annual Report, October 1979.

240. Skinner, P.J. 'Early Days in the Cane', November 1979.

241. Reading. Letter, Thomas Treston, Geraldton to his brother Willie in Ireland, 1906, December 1979.

242. Stephens, G.E., 'Travellers Accommodation Over a Century', January 1980.

243. Kerr, Ruth S., 'The Kingsborough School', February 1980.

244. Kerr, Ruth S., 'The Kingsborough School', cont., March 1980.

245. Chamberlain, Else, 'Reminiscences of Elsie Families', April 1980.

246. McQuillan, Mary Anne, 'Trainee Days in the 30s', May 1980.

247. Stephens, S.E., 'Cairns Museum History', June 1980.

248. Stephens, S.E., 'Difficulties of founding a town', (Cooktown), July 1980.

249. O'Leary, M., (1930), 'The Hodgkinson Goldfield', August 1980.

250. Foley, Brian, 'The Early Australian Hydrographic Surveyors', September 1980.

251. Foley, Brian, 'The Early Australian' cont., Sim, L.L., Twenty second Annual Report, October 1980.

252. 'Letter of Alee Davidson, 9 December 1886, regarding the Sayers and Davidson Expedition to climb Mount Bellenden Kerr, 1886', November 1980.

253. 'Letter of Alee Davidson, 15 January 1887' cont., December 1980.

254. 'Letter of Alee Davidson, 15 January 1887' cont., January 1981.