Party: Bauer Collection - Reports and Business Records Dr F.J. Bauer, Department of ECONOMIC History, Australian National University, A.C.T. 2600


Dr F.H. Bauer is a geographer whose fieldwork in Queensland and the Northern Territory has involved the location and collection of historical material. During the 1950s he carried out a number of surveys, culminating in publications by C.S.I.R.O., including his Historical Geographic Survey of Part of Northern Australia. Part I. Introduction and the Eastern Gulf Region, Canberra, 1959. Abingdon Downs Station. Reports 1952-1955. Abingdon Downs is a cattle property on the Einasleigh river, north from Georgetown. Confidential report on Abingdon Downs property, by R.D. Spenceley for the Union Trustee Company of Australia, Townsville, dated 22 May 1952. An informative report covering all aspects of station operations, also notes on the country, stock carrying capacity and improvements. Dr. Bauer took extracts from this report, held by the Bank of New South Wales, Townsville. The report may not be quoted directly. Confidential report on Abingdon Downs property, by R.D. Spenceley, dated 22 September 1954 shows the progress made in two years, since the 1952 report, contains little further information. Holdings and conditions as above. Confidential report on Abingdon Downs property, as above, dated 7 December 1955. Similar details as before, with additional information on a new thirty year pastoral lease. Holdings and conditions as above.

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