Party: Reports and Business Records - Bauer. Queensland National Pastoral Company - Brisbane


Dr. Bauer gained access to files in the company's Brisbane office and located the following records relating to the company properties: Barclay Downs, Florence Vale, Lake Nash, Magowra, Roxane, Roxborough Downs, Vena Park and Wandoola stations.

Barclay Downs. Report on Barclay Downs station, ca June or July, 1899. Report by Queensland National Bank station inspector, contains extensive remarks on water improvements, on the marginal nature of the country, the herd, improvements generally, housing and labour. Extracts taken.

Florence Vale Station. Report on Roxane and Florence Vale stations dated 31 May 1899. Report by Queensland National Bank station inspector, contains descriptions of the country stock, water supply, labour and wages, etc. Extracts.

Lake Nash Station. The station homestead is located in the Northern Territory, however in its early years a large portion of the run extended into Queensland.

Letters and reports, 1891. A series of letters and reports on Lake Nash covering the period 13 August-November 1891, D.C. Thomson, pastoral inspector for Moreheads, to Jno. Forest, inspector for Moreheads, photocopied.

Lake Nash ledger, no.1, 1897-1903. Covers the 1900-1902 drought and contains stock returns for that period on a 6 month basis, also occasional reports on the country and season after 1902, details of wages, store accounts, construction of dams on the Georgina river etc. Extracts taken.

Report on Lake Nash property [1898?]. Report by Queensland National Bank inspector, contains description of country, the herd, improvements, recommendations, etc. Copy of original. Presumably Dr. Bauer has a copy or extracts.

Report on Lake Nash station n.d., [1899?]. Manuscript report following an inspection of the station, contains details on country, cattle and water supply. Extracts taken.

Report on Lake Nash station 1899. Report by station inspector Queensland National Bank, dated 16 June 1899. Gives descriptions of the station, improvements, management, numbers of cattle etc., immediately before the serious drought of 1900-1902. Photocopied.

Magowra Station. Report on Magowra station, 1898. Report by station inspector of the Queensland National Bank dated 28 February 1898, contains much information on the station including descriptions on the tick plague in the Gulf country, station improvements, labour, wages and recommendations.

Manuscript, undated [1898?], and unsigned [Thomson?], by the manager of Magowra, Vena Park and Wandoola stations. Contains recommendations as to the course of action which should be taken in dealing with certain Queensland National Bank properties in the Gulf country; includes observations on the country and the tick plague in this part of the Gulf. Extracts taken.

Roxane Station Report 1899, see Florence Vale, above.

Roxborough Downs. Report on Roxborough Downs 1899. Report by station inspector, Queensland National Bank dated 14 July 1899. Contains current information on the station including descriptions of the country, improvements, stock, notes on the gidyea pod and Birdsville disease, station labour, wages and recommendations. Extracts taken.

Report on Roxborough Downs, 1903. Report by Alee Radeston, station inspector for the Queensland National Bank, dated 25 April 1903; contains general information on the station. Presumably Dr. Bauer has a copy or extracts.

Vena Park Station. Report on Vena Park station, 1898. Manuscript copy of original report by the station inspector, Queensland National Bank. Contains information on the herd, pastures and improvements. Vena Park was then run in conjunction with Magrowa and Wandoola. Report on Vena Park station, 1898. Report no.4 by the station inspector, Queensland National Bank, dated 28 February 1898; gives descriptions of the country, the herd and station improvements. Presumably Dr. Bauer has a copy or extracts.

Wandoola Station. Report on Wandoola station, 1898. Report by the station inspector, Queensland National Bank, dated 28 February 1898; contains descriptions of the country, the herd, improvements, running expenses, wages and recommendations. Extracts taken.

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