Party: Charters Towers. Mrs Jill Cunningham 45 DEANE Street Charters Towers, 4820


The collection of the late J.D. Cunningham is held by his daughter-in-law at the above address. Researchers should apply in advance to Mrs Cunningham for access to the records. Mr J.D. Cunningham was educated at the Maryborough Grammar School where he was an outstanding scholar and athlete. In 1909 he won a scholarship to the Charters Towers School of Mines, and he was awarded the Brown Memorial Medal in 1912. He later lectured at the School of Mines 1918-1921, after which he entered the newsagency and bookselling business. He stood for public office and was mayor of Charters Towers 1933-1943, 1946-1952, and he and his wife were much involved in community affairs. The collection covers many aspects of Mr Cunningham's life, with particular emphasis on his Charters Towers period.

School reports, J.D. Cunningham, Maryborough Grammar School, grades III-VI, 1905-1909, 18 reports.

Lectures compiled by J.D. Cunningham, Charters Towers School of Mines, includes experiments, mineral assays, lectures etc. Lecture books entitled: Assaying, Chemistry, Electricity, Geology, Mathematics, Metallurgy, Ore Dressing, Physics, hand written. 23 volumes.

Typescript, History of the Charters Towers School of Mines, by J.D. Cunningham n.d., including autobiographical details, pp.8.

Lecture notes and associated papers. 5 folders.

Charters Towers School of Mines Syllabus, 1909, 1910, 1913, 1914, including examination results, papers, diplomas, courses available, reports, staff, fees, regulations, illustrated. 4 volumes, ca pp.70 each.

Report, Geological and General Report upon the Cloncurry Mining District, by J.D. Cunningham, n.d., pp.9.

Report, The Queensland Cyanide Case. The Australian Gold Recovery Company Ltd. vs The Day Dawn P.C. Gold Mining Company Ltd. Charters Towers. Report with brief introductory notes by E.W.T. Fowles M.A., L.L.B., Barrister in Law, Before his Honour the Chief Justice Sir S.W. Griffith, Brisbane, 1902, includes addresses, evidence, summary, illustrations, portraits, pp.60.

Marks, E.O., Outside Mines of the Charters Towers Goldfield, Brisbane, 1913, including map, 9 plates, E.O. Marks was Assistant Government Geologist.

Reid, J.H., Geographical Survey of Queensland. The Charters Towers Goldfield, Brisbane, 1917, maps, illustrations, diagrams, tables, pp.233.

Cash book, J.D. Cunningham Newsagency, Charters Towers. July 1931-June 1935, 1 volume. July 1935-March 1938, 1 volume.

Wages book, weekly entries, newsagency. December 1934-June 1935, 1 volume. September 1938-August 1941, 1 volume. November 1941-December 1943, 1 volume. January 1944-December 1946, 1 volume. December 1946-August 1950, 1 volume. September 1950-January 1954, 1 volume.

Annual reports. Charters Towers City Council, Water Board. 1905, 1907, 1912.

Memento of Welcome, to the Governor General, H.S.B. Northcote, on the occasion of his visit to Charters Towers, 20 July 1904, civic welcome from Charters Towers, Queenton and Dalrymple Shire Councils, printed item. 1 folder.

Newspaper cutting book, with extracts relating to J.D. Cunningham's service as an alderman with the Charters Towers City Council, December 1926-June 1952, including some correspondence, press releases and other papers, 1 volume.

Miscellaneous correspondence, reports, newspaper extracts, political leaflets, including Spark, Newsheet of the Charters Towers Branch, Australian Communist Party, no. 3, March 1945, no. 10, October 1945, 1 folder.

Letterbook, Secretary, Free Mason's Hall, July 1897-February 1906, 1 volume. Miscellaneous items of Freemasonry, including certificates and degrees conferred, documents of investiture, scrolls etc., some 20 items.

Commemorative booklet. Address and Records Presented to the Most Worshipful Grand Master, Brother Sir Thomas Herbert John Chapman Goodwin, KCB, CMG, DSO, MRCS, Governor of Queensland, 1927-1932, by the Brethren of the United Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Queensland, 1 volume.

Booklet, Leading Dates and Facts in the History of Freemasonry in Queensland, n.d., [to 1932], lists Queensland office bearers, illustrated, portraits, 9 leaves, hard bound.

Roth, Walter E., Ethnological Studies Among the North-West-Central Queensland Aborigines, Brisbane, 1897, with maps, illustrations, sign language charts, sketches, pp.199 plus appendixes.

Badham Jackson, C.O., Proud Story, The Official History of the Australian Comforts Fund, Sydney, 1949, illustrated, pp. 336.

Deed of partnership, Wilfred Robinson and Clement Walker, mining lease entitled Pyrites Dumps, 19 August 1939, pp.16.

Legal documents, miscellaneous mining claims etc., ca 1940, 2 envelopes.

Photographs, a large collection dating from the nineteenth century, but chiefly concerned with J.D. Cunningham's service as mayor of Charters Towers, 1933-1952, over 100 prints in 1 album, with duplicates.

Photograph album, a gift from Jacob Kelms to J.D. Cunningham, with the inscription: 'J.D.C., In memory of a pleasant day or two spent somewhere back o'beyond. April 1914, [signed] Jacob Kelms'. The album contains 18 views of western Queensland, including Cloncurry and Dajarra, scenes of camel teams and their drivers, landscapes, bush travellers, 1 volume.

Family photographs, Cunningham family 20th century, small collection held. The Cunningham photograph collection and Jacob Kelms album, plus miscellaneous papers and printed items, including the copies of Spark, were kindly lent for copying for the Delamothe Collection of North Queensland History, James Cook University.


Mr Dungavel is Assistant Shire Clerk of the Eacham Shire Council, and maintains a private collection of historical records generally relating to the area. This includes the following:

Town Plan, Malanda, 1912.

Newspaper cutting books, with extracts relating to local Council elections, advertisements for staff positions, work tenders and general council matters, 20th century.

A collection of newspapers, including:

Ravenswood Times and Mining Record, 13 October 1877, 1 issue.

Atherton News and Barren Valley Advocate, 22 January 1929, 1 issue.

Is Held By