Party: Clermont, MR. G.C. Pullar Mimosa Street Clermont, 4721


Mr Pullar is a long term resident of Clermont, and holds an outstanding collection of photographs taken by his father, in Clermont and district, and during family holidays at Yeppoon. The collection dates from the 1860s and has been printed from glass negatives taken by Mr Pullar senior. Subjects include early Copperfield and Blair Athol, scenes of the original Clermont township and the transfer and re-erection of buildings on the new town site, following the flood of 1916. Also scenes relating to the local pastoral and mining industry, sporting, social and employment activities. Aborigines, transport, seaside holidays at Yeppoon, portraits and group photographs of family and associates. The collection comprises some 200 prints; the original glass negatives and a duplicate printed collection are held by the National Trust, Brisbane. Mr Pullar has also compiled a town plan of old Clermont, with details of business houses and residences and he holds a typed transcript of an interview with him, made by the students of the Clermont State School, entitled 'The Great Flood of Clermont, 28 December 1916,' pp.5.

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