Party: Aramac. Mr Henry Teasdale Kerr Street Aramac, 4726


Mr Teasdale has recently retired from employment with the Aramac Shire Council. He has a fund of knowledge on local historical matters, and maintains a collection of historical records. They include the following:

Letter, Mrs. Kate H. Wedgewood to Mr. Teasdale, from Bimba station, via Longreach, 10 November 1961, giving details of her father's role in pioneering the Aramac district. Her father Mr E.R. Edkins managed Mt. Cornish station for the Scottish Australia Company. The letter gives details of early settlers and events, pp.4.

Typescript, 'Aramac', by Mr Henry Teasdale, gives a summary of historical developments, from 1859, foolscap, pp.12.

Booklet, Aramac Tramway 1910-1975, compiled by Mr Henry Teasdale, Aramac, 1975, pp.8.

The two last items have been copied for the Delamothe Collection of North Queensland History, James Cook University. Photographs, a large collection comprising scenes of Aramac, Muttaburra and surrounding districts. They include Aramac Shire Council groups, official functions, other local groups and sporting and social activities, buildings, including hospital, churches and hotels, railway scenes including photographs of the Aramac tramway; the collection dates from the nineteenth century. The Delamothe Collection of North Queensland History has made copies of 98 prints from the photograph collection.

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