Party: Local Government - Jericho. Jericho Shire Council, Pasteur Street, Jericho, 4736


Jericho Shire Council was established in 1916. Jericho is the administrative centre for the pastoral Shire extending west from the Drummond Range. The northern portion of the Jericho Shire comes within the area of this survey.


Cemetery register, Jericho, December 1899-present, 1 vol., Alpha, December 1922-present, 1 vol.

Minutes of Council meetings, August 1929-present, several vols, incontinuous.

Councillor's attendance books, March 1968-January 1976, 1 vol., February 1976-present, 1 vol.

Journal, June 1937-June 1961, 1 vol.

Poundkeeper's book, with details of impoundings and sales, February 1926-January 1959, 1 vol.


Photographs, 5 framed portraits of former Shire Chairmen, from 1900.


Councillor's Attendance books, August 1918-August 1920, 1 vol., September 1920-September 1923, 1 vol., May 1921-December 1925, 1 vol., January 1926-December 1927, 1 vol., July 1933-September 1936, 1 vol., January 1937-October 1940, 1 vol., December 1940-June 1948, 1 vol.

Attendance books, Finance Committee meetings, May 1916-March 1924, 1 vol., January 1920-November 1923, 1 vol., January 1928-October 1929, 1 vol., November 1929-May 1930, 1 vol.

Contract ledger, March 1918-August 1952, 1 vol.

Register of legal documents, July 1939-May 1947, 1 vol.

Stock assessment register, Jericho Shire Council Improvement Board, August 1934-July 1946, 1 vol.

Rate books, from 1916, several vols.

Sanitary registers, from 1916, several vols.

Wages books, from July 1937.

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