Party: Magistrates Court - Hughenden. Magistrates Court, Brodie Street, Hughenden, 4821



Registers, Birth, May 1886-present, 11 vols, indexed.

Marriage, June 1886-present, 4 vols, indexed.

Death, May 1887-present, 6 vols, indexed.

Judge's diaries, District Court: Criminal sittings, March 1884-present, several vols, Civil sittings, March 1884-present, several vols.

Judge's notebook, Civil cases, ca.1895-present, Circuit hearings, March 1944-April 1959, 1 vol.

Warrant books, 1895-1968, 1 vol., 1968-present, 1 vol.

Australian register of judgements, interstate cases, February 1907-present, 1 vol.

Register of liquor licenses, April 1916-present, 2 vols.

Bailiffs book, July 1935-March 1941, 1 vol.

Bench book. Children's Court, September 1922-February 1942, 1 vol.

Bench record and summons book, July 1913-August 1916, 1 vol., August 1916-November 1920, 1 vol., January 1921-July 1929, 1 vol., September 1929-February 1935, 1 vol., March 1937-April 1964, 1 vol.

Debt attachment book, September 1920-June 1936, 1 vol.

Plaint book, July 1884-present, 11 vols.

Police summons book, April 1899-January 1937, 1 vol., frail.

Register of licensed auctioneers and commission agents, 1923-1959, 1 vol., 1960-1971, 1 vol.

Register of firms, March 1903-present, 5 vols, and cards.

Register of applications for liquor licenses, April 1913-December 1959, 7 vols.

Timber register, (permits to cut and sell), October 1922-February 1929, 1 vol., October 1946-December 1947, 1 vol.

Register of tobacco licenses, January 1920-July 1931, 1 vol., July 1949-September 1958, 1 vol.

Cash books of the Magistrates Court, February 1910-present, 35 vols.

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