Party: Queensland Ambulance Transport Brigade - Townsville. Queensland Ambulance Transport Brigade, Townsville Branch, Hughes Street, Townsville


The branch was established in 1900, and records date from that year.

Annual reports and financial statements, Townsville Centre, Q.A.T.B. Hospital, for year ended June 1937,pp.11.

Report book, June 1901-September 1907, 1 vol., October 1907-August 1913, 1 vol.

Letterbook, superintendent and secretary, June 1903-July 1904, 1 vol.

Register, subscription payments, October 1900-March 1910, 1 vol.

Register, ambulance cases of City Ambulance and Transport Brigade Hospital, December 1900-February 1903, 1 vol.

Attendance book, Q.A.T.B. Committee Meetings, October 1900-April 1942, 1 vol.

Duty book, permanent and honorary members, January 1901-September 1902, 1 vol.

Wages book, January 1901-December 1902, 1 vol., January 1906-July 1908, 1 vol. 1.

Cutting books, with newspaper extracts, June 1904-July 1905, 1 vol., July 1905-November 1907, 1 vol., extracts from Townsville Daily Bulletin, Evening Star, The Federal, Townsville Star and North Queensland Register, relating to local accidents, epidemics, funeral notices and ambulance matters in general.

Miscellaneous collection of typescripts, notes, poetry etc., including 'Brief History of the establishment and work of the Townsville Ambulance Brigade in 1900', a register of office holders 1901-1913, poetry 'The Ambulance Brigade', notes on mercy calls made from Townsville, additional historical notes including an account of Cyclone Leonta 1901, total: pp. 18.

Photographs, the collection includes scenes relating to Q.A.T.B. work throughout the state including Ambulance equipment: horse drawn and motor vehicles, air craft, first aid equipment, ambulance buildings, scenes of mercy missions and difficult bush roads, Q.A.T.B. staff and conference groups, centres include Brisbane, Mackay, Ravenswood Townsville and Tully. 20th Century, some 50 prints held with duplicates.

The photograph collection and typescript history of the Brigade were kindly lent for copying for the Delamothe Collection of North Queensland History, James Cook University.

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