Corporate entry: Bank of New South Wales - Sydney Banks. Bank of New South Wales, Archives, Cnr. Pyrmont Bridge Road and Edward Street, Pyrmont, N.S.W. 2009


The Brisbane branch of the Bank of New South Wales was established in 1850; by 1861 when a sub-Inspector was appointed with administrative responsibility for the New South Wales and Queensland branches, the latter numbered three. In 1862 the title of the sub-Inspector was changed to Inspector, the Bank's chief executive, formerly designated Secretary and Inspector, becoming General Manager and Secretary. The Queensland branches were constituted a separate inspection district in 1867, the Brisbane Manager becoming also Inspector, Queensland. The posts of Manager, Brisbane, and Inspector were separated in 1890. From 1901 to 1920 the Queensland branches were split into three inspection districts. North, Central and Southern. The Brisbane Manager was the Bank's senior officer in Queensland, holding its power of attorney in that State, and Assistant Inspectors were appointed to supervise the branches at Brisbane (Southern Queensland), Rockhampton (Central Queensland), and Townsville (North Queensland). The title of Inspector was given for a period, 1907-1911 to the Brisbane Manager, when he was also supervising the southern branches, but again lapsed until inl920 the Queensland branches were unified into one division under an Inspector. This title was changed in 1960 to Chief Manager.

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