Corporate entry: National Bank of Australasia Limited, Archives


The National Bank of Australasia Limited was established in 1858; in 1918 it merged with the Colonial Bank of Australia, Melbourne, and in 1922 it absorbed the Bank of Queensland LTD, which had been formed in 1885 by the merger of the Royal Bank of Queensland Ltd. and the Bank of North Queensland. In 1947 the National Bank of Australasia Limited absorbed the Queensland National Bank LTD, and in 1955 it amalgamated with the Ballarat Banking Company Ltd.


The Archives are extensive and cover a wide range of operations of this bank and associated banks throughout Queensland, from approximately 1872. Material is well organized and indexed, and in accordance with the system of arrangement in the Archives, this coverage comprises three main sections:

i. branch records, subdivided into A. 'branch records', i.e. regional branches, listed in alphabetical order. B. 'various branches', miscellaneous.

ii. records filed under: branch agents or agencies, station homesteads acting as banks, and private and business accounts.

iii. head office records. Head office records are extensive and include annual reports, minutes of meetings, general administrative and bank amalgamation files, all of which would have general relevance to the bank's operations throughout Queensland.

Researchers are advised that the listing contained herein of head office records, is a selective sample only. The major coverage is of regional branch records, of centres located in the central and northern sectors of Queensland. Additional historical material is being forwarded regularly from regional branches to the Archives, to supplement this listing. In addition to written and printed archival material, there is also a photograph collection, and a museum display of historical items and photographs relating to the bank. The Archives are accessible by pre-arrangement only; researchers should write to the archivist at the above address, stating the field of study and providing a letter of introduction. All researchers who use the Archives are required to sign a declaration undertaking to respect the confidentiality of any sensitive material in the collection, to submit a typed copy of any proposed publication or thesis which embodies matter drawn from the Archives, and to delete any such sections that the bank authorities should require. Study facilities are available at the Archives, including photocopying equipment.

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