Corporate entry: National Bank Archives - Brisbane National Bank of Australasia Limited, Cloncurry


QUEENSLAND NATIONAL BANK Memo to general manager regarding cost savings resulting from closure of branch; names of 26 other branches also submitted ca.1893, A/Queensland National Bank/746, 13.

Letter from Aust. Joint Stock Bank, Brisbane 31 May 1890, complaining that Cloncurry branch was sending cheques on A.J.S. Singleton through the Commercial Bank of Australia Ltd. Response advising that Cloncurry manager had been instructed to transact all New South Wales business at places where represented, 3 June 1890, A/Queensland National Bank/679, 16.

/ List of suggestions made by Assistant Branch Inspector, Mr P. Reid, for improving office routine, 6 June 1918. BR/Queensland National Bank/605, 24.

Half-yearly balance books, Ms years ending, 31 December 1883-31 December 1886, C/Queensland National Bank/261, 35.

File regarding robbery at branch on weekend of 11/12 June 1932. Including numerous letters from Note Issue Dept of Commonwealth Bank with lists of suspected stolen notes which had been marked off its registers. Also letters advising negotiation of suspected notes. Cutting from Brisbane Truth, 4 February 1934, A/Queensland National Bank/1050, 53.

Cutting from Truth 16 July 1933, regarding case brought by Queensland National Bank and Bank of New South Wales against three insurance companies claiming indemnification for losses in Cloncurry robbery, A/Queensland National Bank/1051, 53.

QUEENSLAND NATIONAL BANK Reminiscence by P.J. Logan regarding an incident connected with the robbery, A/Queensland National Bank/1051, 53.

Papers regarding the case brought by the bank against the Insurance Companies which had declined to accept claims under their burglary policies. Copies of statements by branch staff, reports to general manager by Branch Inspector Orr, press cuttings and summing up by Mr. Justice Macrossan, A/Queensland National Bank/1054, 53.

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