Corporate entry: National Bank Archives - Brisbane. National Bank of Australasia Limited. Hughenden


QUEENSLAND NATIONAL BANK Register containing original letters of authority for cashing cheques, replenishment of accounts, making of periodical payments and signing authorities. C/Queensland National Bank/258, 33.

Half yearly balance book, half year ending, 6 December 1880-18 June 1883, C/Queensland National Bank/205, 35.

6 December 1880-13 June 1881, C/Queensland National Bank/206, 35.

Assignment executed by Lewis Teeman of St. George in favour of Queensland National Bank, 25 October 1886, over a judgement obtained by Catherine Quartz Crushing Mill, Woolgar near Hughenden for £804-3-6, plus £9-9-0 costs, the consideration being payment of £300 by the bank. C/Queensland National Bank/603, 45.

Sundry papers of Dr. R.H. Symes, left at branch for safe custody, including 3 degrees: registration as a medical practitioner in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland, commission as a surgeon in Queensland Defence Force, 3 certificates of discharge as a ships surgeon, 2 letters of introduction, and a personal letter ca.1880. M/Queensland National Bank/727, 61.

Correspondence, 1936, regarding I.I.D. Stock Certificate No. 97, issued to Henry Potter £13-10-10, 13 May 1897. M/Queensland National Bank/772, 63.

Letters to Barcaldine branch, 24 June 1891-5 August 1891. BR/Queensland National Bank/159, 122.

Original general ledger, 5 October 1880-17 December 1883. C/Queensland National Bank/054, 124.

Register of securities, ca. 1880s-early 1900s, with details of Crown Lease and valuation in pastoral properties a/c, transferred from Hughenden branch to head office. C/Queensland National Bank/2005, 133.

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