Corporate entry: National Bank Archives - Brisbane. National Bank of Australasia Limited, Innisfail


QUEENSLAND NATIONAL BANK Balance Sheet, 31 March 1965, of Queensland National Bank in voluntary liquidations, showing amount of debenture loans at branch still untransferred to National Bank of Australasia. A/Queensland National Bank/294, 12.

Memo .ca. 1893, detailing cost saving if branch was closed; names of 26 other branches also submitted. 'S/Queensland National Bank/746, 13.

Bound weekly lists of irregular overdrafts, 6 September 1886-27 December 1886, (branch then called Geraldton). Shows amount, maximum debt for week, limit, security and report. C/Queensland National Bank/234, 34.

Half yearly balance books, half year ending 28 June 1886-24 June 1889. C/Queensland National Bank/207, 35.

NATIONAL BANK OF AUSTRALASIA Sundry letters regarding early history of branch chiefly supplied by R.A. Lawson, including story of Italian coat of arms, photocopy of barograph chart recording cyclone of March 1918, and details of takeover by National Bank of Australasia, of Bank of Queensland at branch level. BR/National Bank ofAustralasia/117, 22.

Pass book, Antonio Torrisi, 1939. C/National Bank of Australasia/608,45.

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