Corporate entry: National Bank Archives - Brisbane. National Bank of Australasia Limited, Jericho


Specimen signature book, 26 August 1885-8 November 1886, C/Queensland National Bank/ 239,34.

Letters to head office, branches, agents, used by Pine Hill after this date, 25 August 1885-3 October 1885, BR/Queensland National Bank/049, 111,

6 October 1885-21 November 1886, BR/Queensland National Bank/050, 111,

24 August 1886-29 November 1886, BR/Queensland National Bank/051, 111.

Telegrams to general manager, head office, branches, agents etc., 25 August 1885-18 November 1886, BR/Queensland National Bank/055, 111.

Letters to general manager and branch accountant, 27 August 1885-30 November 1886, BR/ Queensland National Bank/052, 111.

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