Corporate entry: National Bank Archives - Brisbane. National Bank of Australasia Limited, Port Douglas


QUEENSLAND NATIONAL BANK Letters from general manager to Sydney office, 9 September and 24 September 1881, regarding purchase of land from Mr Burns of Burns Philp Co. Ltd, see BR/Queensland National Bank/113 for response. BR/Queensland National Bank/113, 23.

Half yearly balance book, for half year ending 13 June 1887-24 June 1889, C/Queensland National Bank/209, 35.

Letter, 11 February 1953, from C.L. Chester, describing conditions and incidents at Normanton. S/Queensland National Bank/303,42.

Letter, 25 May 1953 from R.S. Field, describing Normanton, S/Queensland National Bank/304,42.

Mortgage, given to Queensland National Bank by Robert Currie and Carl Schormann of Normanton on 8 July 1889 for an advance of £191-4-6, stamped to £641. C/Queensland National Bank/596, 45.

Security register, head office, 1896-1907. Securities of A.S. Haydon over Vena Park and Wondoola stations transferred to head office. C/Queensland National Bank/200, 134.

BANK OF NORTH QUEENSLAND Specimen signatures, signing officers, ca.1890-1895, S/Bank of North Queensland/065, 41.

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