Corporate entry: National Bank Archives - Brisbane. National Bank of Australasia Limited, Rockhampton


QUEENSLAND NATIONAL BANK Passbook, weekly balances, General Ledger Accs., 3 March 1873-4 May 1874, C/Queensland National Bank/294, 13.

Letters, J.J. O'Flynn, Branch Insp. to general manager, 1887, A/Queensland National Bank/ 660, 13;April/July 1891, A/Queensland National Bank/661, 13.

Confidential letters. 12 May and 20 June 1891, from general manager to O'Flynn regarding affairs at Rockhampton Branch, plus other memos regarding inspection, A/Queensland National Bank/662, 13.

Press copy of letter 11 June 1891, regarding bad or doubtful debts, A/Queensland National Bank/ 671, 13.

Letter, 22 April 1891 from Mt. Morgan Branch, regarding Haywood and Miller, list of advances at branch, possibly doubtful ones. A/Queensland National Bank/672, 13.

Handwritten report, D.C. Thomson, on inspection of Lake Nash Station, ca. October 1891. Desc. land and water facilities and gives stock numbers, pp. 23, M/Queensland National Bank/738, 13.

Undated list of William Pattison's securities; rough queries attached, possibly made by general manager, relates to Mt. Morgan. M/Queensland National Bank/741, 13.

Letter (copy) from W.H. Thompson to Claude Musson, 27 February 1896, regarding prospects of a mining claim in Rockhampton district. A/Queensland National Bank/749, 13.

Bound book, weekly figures, assets, liabilities from inception to 28 December 1874, C/Queensland National Bank/106, 16.

Letter, 12 September 1891, general manager - O'Flynn, incl. improved prospects Mt Morgan. A/Queensland National Bank/678, 16.

Letters, to general manager, 3 March 1873-5 June 1877, BR/Queensland National Bank/ 006,21.

Telegram from general manager to O'Flynn. BR/Queensland National Bank/118, 22.

Letter, general manager - Sydney Office, 13 April 1883, regarding a transaction between Walter Reid & Co, McDwraith McEacharn & Co., and Bums Philp & Co. Ltd. See BR/Queensland National Bank/034 for response, BR/Queensland National Bank/113, 23.

Manager's diary 1873 G.M. Johnson 26 February 1873, BR/Queensland National Bank/171, 24.

Board papers, 1898, incl. matters regarding account of W.M. Pattison Decd. and request for release from liability by Bartley Fahey who blamed purchase of Mount Morgan shares on advice of Branch Manager, for his position. A/Queensland National Bank/344, 24.

Half yearly balance book, ½ year ending 30 June 1873-31 December 1879, C/Queensland National Bank/215, 35.

Branch Inspection papers, 7 February 1887, C/Queensland National Bank/155, 46.

Press cuttings, 1887-8, O'Rourke and McSharry V. Commissioner of Railways, N.S.W., M/Queensland National Bank/451, 61.

Book containing details of accounts at branch, possibly connected with inspection by O'Flynn in 1891; Details, Past Due Bills, Fixed Deposits; Lists shareholders Mt Morgan October 1891; Details shares sold by W.K. D'Arcy and W.R. Hall, April 1888, etc. M/Queensland National Bank/722, 61.

Book, details certain accounts 1888-1891, compiled by O'Flynn when he took over the branch 1890-2. M/Queensland National Bank/726, 61.

Figures regarding ac. Walter Reid & Co. LTD, 1897-1898, M/Queensland National Bank/759, 61.

Copies, draft letters etc. regarding James McSharry, McSharry & Co., and O'Rourke and McSharry, and legal action, ca.1895. M/Queensland National Bank/733, 63.

Bill of Mortgage, signed William Pattison, over 21 titles, undated, unstamped, unregistered. M/Queensland National Bank/736, 63.

Letters, to Barcaldine Branch, 2 July 1892-31 December 1892, BR/Queensland National Bank/159, 122.

Security Register, 1898, head office, William Pattison Deed. C/Queensland National Bank/2004, 134.

BANK OF NORTH QUEENSLAND Specimen signature book. First 147 names apparently rewritten from an earlier book (no dates supplied) to 21 December 1916. List of Bank's signing officers issued July 1912 at rear. C/Bank of North Queensland/224, 35.

Specimen signatures, signing officers, ca.1890-1895, S/Bank of North Queensland/065, 41.

ROYAL BANK OF QUEENSLAND Rockhampton Branch Specimen signature book, 29 March 1887-19 January 1891, C/Royal Bank of Queensland/ 228,35.

Articles of agreement and declaration of secrecy executed by D.T. Henderson, on his appointment to staff, Royal Bank of Queensland, Rockhampton on 17 February 1892. S/Royal Bank of Queensland/002, 41.

Cheque form amended in ink from Bank New South Wales to Royal Bank of Queensland, 11 December 1902 payable to Horse Hire £3, drawn by J. Nailli and O.C. Green. 'Refer to Drawer' on back. C/Royal Bank of Queensland/532, 45.

Hand written lease, Royal Bank of Queensland (landlord) and W.G. Garbottle, 2 February 1893, covering property in William St. Rockhampton. Rental £2-10-0 p.w., term two years. C/Royal Bank of Queensland/568,45.

Press copy, affidavit made by C.K.G. Craig, Accountant Royal Bank of Queensland Rockhampton regarding debt and security of insolvent customer. C/Royal Bank of Queensland/571, 45.

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