Corporate entry: National Bank Archives - Brisbane. National Bank of Australasia Limited, Thornborough


QUEENSLAND NATIONAL BANK Closure recommendation, J.J. O'Flynn, 2 July 1890, letterbook, pp. 40, A/Queensland National Bank/661, 13.

Letters to general manager (unbound, poor condition), June 1883-3 April 1890, BR/ Queensland National Bank/019, 21.

Circular, 29 August 1891, advising of closure of branch. BR/Queensland National Bank/ 203,22.

Specimen signature book, 1 September 1898-13 November 1906, C/Bank of North Queensland/222, 35.

Customers' signature book, 9 January 1877-15 September 1891, numerous special signatures of officers Queensland National Bank, National Bank of Australasia, and overseas banks, includes lists of signing officers and where stationed, National Bank of Australasia 1882/5/6; also shows where some Queensland National Bank officers were stationed. C/ Queensland National Bank/315, 124.

References to opening of branch, in reminiscences of J.P. Canny, S/National Bank of Australasia/316,42.

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