Corporate entry: National Bank Archives - Brisbane. National Bank of Australasia Limited, Various Branches


NATIONAL BANK OF AUSTRALASIA Figures for branches. Northern Division - Division 3 (including branches in north, north west, and central Queensland), 16 June 1948, and 30 September 1948. Shows amounts of advances, deposits (N.B.I. & B.I.) and numbers of current accounts and fixed depositors. Including figures of accounts still remaining in books of Queensland National Bank. Involuntary liquidation. C/National Bank of Australasia/130, 13.

List of branches in their respective regions as at 1969, with names of various regional managers, BR/National Bank of Australasia/401, 24.

Register, real property details of deeds and leases of Brisbane office and Queensland branches, C/National Bank of Australasia/131, 25.

List of standard items of furniture supplied by the Bank when a residence is provided for a manager. ca.1950s. D/National Bank of Australasia/019, 45.

QUEENSLAND NATIONAL BANK List of advances £5,000 and over as at 30 June 1896, as follows; squatting, mining, mercantile, and miscellaneous, amount of debt, amount, date and disposal of last interest charged and remarks regarding security held. Also list showing individual names and amounts forming balance of Interest Suspense A/c. Summaries reveal total advance in each category. A/Queensland National Bank/149, 11. (Also A/Queensland National Bank/152).

List of Advances at 16 November 1896 regarded as bad or doubtful. Divided into list of accounts on which no interest is charged, and accounts on which interest is charged and passed into Interest Suspense A/c. Also contains further names with recommendations regarding treatment of interest. A/Queensland National Bank/150, 12.

Lists of overdrafts at branches as at 30 June 1856, classified as (a) over √Ǭ£5,000, (b) Squatting © Mining (d) Mercantile, € Miscellaneous. Also summary of advances in cats. B, c, d, e, at head office and branches. A/Queensland National Bank/152, 12. (Also A/Queensland National Bank/149).

Inland exchange rates, branches - Brisbane, BRANCHES - London (60 days sight) undated [ca. 1896?]. C/Queensland National Bank/119, 13.

Individual branch figures of profit or loss for half-year ending 31 December 1895. C/Queensland National Bank/120, 13.

Statistical details, 27 branches, prepared in general managers office, undated, (probably June or December 1894). Covers amount of o/d's, amount of money locked up (presumably deposits at suspension date in 1893), amount at open account, amount of fixed deposit, bank premises balance, details staff and salaries, profit or loss for half-year. Albion, Allora, Barcaldine, Beenleigh, Bundaberg, Burketown, Cairns, Charleville, Charters Towers, Cloncurry, Cooktown, Croydon, Dugandan (Boonah), Fortitude Valley, Geraldton (Innisfail), Gympie, Herberton, Hughenden, Ingham, Ipswich, Longreach, Mitchell, Mt. Morgan, Roma, Thargomindah, Thursday Island, Winton. C/Queensland National Bank/121, 13.

Branch statistics of average deposits and advances, interest rec. and paid, average rates of both, average Cash A/c (Dr. or Cr.), profit for ½ year, rate made on capital employed, loss for ½ year, rate lost on capital employed, % cost of money supplied by branch. Covers Vs years December 1890, June and December 1891, June 1892. Branches classed as follows:- Mercantile and Coastal, Pastoral, Agricultural, Mining, Suburban. C/Queensland National Bank/122, 13.

List of original I.I.D. Stockholders on Colonial Register in 1897 who still retained these holdings in 1919 and 1926. Names and amounts under branches and then summarised. A/ Queensland National Bank/184, 16.

General Manager's private ledger 1897-1947, including, details Bad Debts, transfers to head office from branches at time of second reconstruction. Also details of amounts written off deposits (5/- in the £) at each branch and the disposal of this by writing off bad debts, details of recoveries, write off of premises, furniture and fittings etc. C/Queensland National Bank/021, 31.

Ledger containing Contingency A/c operations 1874-1967. Reveals bad debts written off against accounts. C/Queensland National Bank/022, 31.

Register, Bad Debts 1875-1893, listed under branch, short comments. Summaries of amounts written off under branch name. C/Queensland National Bank/170, 31.

Contingency A/c Register 1875-1910, under branch headings. Indexed, C/Queensland National Bank/178, 31.

Lists of total advances at each branch and charged for ½ years 31 December 1895-30 June 1906. Also totals on which no interest was charged and on which interest was charged and passed into Interest Suspense A/c. Shows average rate charged by each branch on productive advances and total advances and these figures for the Bank as a whole. C/Queensland National Bank/179, 31.

Lists, burglary insurance cover with Ocean Accident, Queensland Insurance, and London Assurance, showing branch cover for 12 months to 18 October 1925. D/Queensland National Bank/012,45.

Schedules lodged with State and Federal Land Tax Offices regarding transfer of premises from Queensland National Bank to National Bank of Australasia. Lists included title particulars, areas, and considerations (apportioned as to land and improvements). D/Queensland National Bank/018, 45.

Lists of amounts that form balance of Interest Suspense A/c under borrowers' name and branch at balance dates in 1902-1907, 1909-1911, 1912-1914. C/Queensland National Bank/151, 46.

Folder of statistics containing, interalia, branch figures for Fixed Deposits, current a/c’s, advances and profit or loss for ½ years, December 1908-December 1910. Figures for 12 recently opened branches at 30 June 1907 and previous 6 or 12 months. Number of debit and credit a/c's at each branch 1907-1914. Bank furniture, fittings, fixtures at each branch, 31 December 1915. C/Queensland National Bank/158, 46.

Comparison of Charges A/c under each applicable heading for years ending 30 June 1941-42, with increase or decrease detailed for each branch, head office and general manager's office. C/Queensland National Bank/164, 46.

Lists of A/c’s. (Queensland National Bank in Voluntary Liquidation) with balances in Interest Suspense A/c at 31 December 1947, 30 June and 30 September 1948, and 31 March and 30 September 1949. Recommendations for transfers of various amounts to P. & L. A/c. C/Queensland National Bank/167, 46.

Tables showing monthly and annual rainfall totals at most branches covering all available years of record up to 1946. M/Queensland National Bank/207, 53.

List of accounts under branch on which interest is either not charged or charged and passed into Suspense A/c as at 30 June 1896, A/Queensland National Bank/177, 63.

Letters from general manager's office to selected branches, February/July 1942, covering arrangements made for evacuation of staff etc. in the event of war. W/Queensland National Bank/206, 63.

Ground plans of branch premises mainly drawn by officers, also some blueprints. Bound in alphabetical order, but in very poor condition; some dated but majority undated, C/Queensland National Bank/004, 78.

Another volume, also in poor condition. Individual branches represented in both books. D/Queensland National Bank/005, 78.

Returns lodged by branches, 1899-1905, regarding advances made against I.I.D. Stock. Many advances appear to date back to advances made against Deposit Receipts issued under the 1893 Scheme. Separate lists for advances not exceeding 75% of face value of I.I.D. Stock, where no recourse exists, and doubtful advances, C/Queensland National Bank/163, 122.

Lists of I.I.D. Stockholders under branch listing with amounts held and interest due as at 30 September 1948, March and September 1949, and 1950, and 31 March 1951, A/Queensland National Bank/298, 125.

Schedule of premises in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, showing Q.N. book value at time of amalgamation, valuator's figures and adjustments either way following sale to National Bank of Australasia. A/Queensland National Bank/3006, 125.

List of amounts transferred to General Manager's Private Ledger and amounts charged to Scheme of Arrangement Contingency A/c under respective branch headings. C/Queensland National Bank/183, 132.

List of Bad Debts in individual names 1897-1910. C/Queensland National Bank/184, 132.

Alphabetical list of debts written off 'since inception of Bank', C/Queensland National Bank/185, 132.

Register of Securities head office. At rear values of furniture etc. at head offices and branches 1898. C/Queensland National Bank/2001, 134.

List of amounts written off through Private Ledger. Contains name of branch, customer, amount written into private ledger, amount transferred from there to Scheme of Arrangement Contingency A/c, balance outstanding and general manager's comments. C/Queensland National Bank/197, 135.

Large quantity of Vi yearly balance books regarding various branches not yet catalogued. Stored at Stationery Dept.

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